Sec. 3.2. Mayor and mayor pro tempore.
   The mayor shall be elected by and from the qualified voters of the town voting at large in the manner provided in article IV of this Charter. The mayor shall be the official head of the town government and shall preside at all meetings of the board of alderpersons. When there is an equal division on a question, the mayor shall resolve the deadlock by his vote, but he shall vote in no other case. The mayor shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as are or may be conferred upon him by the General Statutes of North Carolina, by this Charter, and by the ordinances of the town. The board of alderpersons shall choose one of its number to act as mayor pro tempore, and he shall perform the duties of the mayor in the mayor’s absence or disability. The mayor pro tempore as such shall have no fixed term of office, but shall serve in such capacity at the pleasure of the remaining members of the board.