(a) The corporate limits of the Town of Landis shall be those existing at the time of the ratification of this Charter and as the same may be altered from time to time in accordance with law. The board of alderpersons of the Town of Landis shall cause to be prepared a map to be designated “Map of the Town of Landis Corporate Limits,” showing the corporate limits as the same may exist as of the effective date of this Charter. The board of aldermen shall also cause to be prepared a written description of the corporate limits as shown on said map to be designated “Description of Landis Corporate Limits.” This map and description shall be retained permanently in the office of the town administrator/town clerk as the official map and description of the corporate limits of the town. Immediately upon alteration of the corporate limits pursuant to law, the board of alderpersons shall cause to be made the appropriate changes to the official map and description. Photographic copies or other legible and permanent reproductions of the official map or description, certified as by law providing for the certification of ordinances, shall be admissible into evidence in all courts and shall have the same force and effect as would the official map or description.
(b) The board of alderpersons shall require the redrawing of the official map and the rewriting of the official description as may from time to time be required. A redrawn map and a rewritten description shall supersede for all purposes the earlier maps and descriptions which are respectively replaced.