For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ALARM/ALARM SYSTEM. Any electronic or mechanical device which emits any signal, whether electronic, audible, silent or recorded, and which is designed, used or intended for the detection of an unauthorized intrusion or attempted intrusion into a building, structure or premises to signal an actual or attempted robbery, or for the detection of fire or products of combustion to signal a fire or initiate a response for medical assistance.
ALARM ADMINISTRATOR. A person or persons designated by the town to administer, control and review false alarm incidents and the reduction of the same, that the Administrator shall be as designated by the Chief of Police.
ALARM COMPANY. A business, corporation, individual, partnership or other entity in the business of selling, maintaining, testing, servicing, repairing or altering fire alarm systems.
ALARM REGISTRATION (OR PERMITS). The notification by an alarm user to the Alarm Administrator that an alarm system has been installed. Individuals registering their alarm system shall provide the Alarm Administrator a working phone number for the premises, daytime number, number of other individual properly designated to respond in user’s physical absence during vacation periods or unavailability to respond.
ALARM USER. Any person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity who uses or is in control of any alarm system at its residence or place of business. In the event premises are rented or leased, that alarm user shall be determined the possessor of the premises and not the owner excepted in those situations where the owner has previously made registration of the system.
(Ord. passed 7-1-2008)