Outside Tire Storage
1535.01   Definitions.
1535.02   Zoning; compliance.
1535.03   Certificate required.
1535.04   Certificate issuance conditions; permit.
1535.05   Permit renewal.
1535.06   Severability.
1535.99   Penalty.
   (a)   The following definitions shall be used to clarify the wording used in this chapter:
      (1)   "Aquifer", as used herein, means a consolidated or unconsolidated geologic formation or series of formations that are hydraulically interconnected and that have the ability to receive, store or transmit water to wells or springs.
      (2)   "Ground water professional", as used herein, means any person certified by the Association of Groundwater Scientists and Engineers to conduct hydrography studies.
      (3)   "Open dumping", as used herein, means the deposition of solid wastes into waters of the City, and also means the final deposition of solid wastes on or into the ground at any place other than a solid waste facility.
      (4)   "Vector", as used herein, means an organism that transmits a pathogen.
      (5)   "Pathogen", as used herein, means a specific cause of disease (as a bacterium or virus).
      (6)   "City", as used herein, means the municipal corporation of the City of Lancaster, Fairfield County, Ohio.
      (7)   "Daily log", as used herein, means a record reporting the number of tires received, processed into other forms, sold or otherwise removed from the business premises, and to whom and where the tires were sent. A daily log shall be kept for each day a business is open and operating.
      (8)   "Tire", as used herein, means any new or used tire or any part thereof, of any tire made from rubber of a natural or synthetic origin.
         (Ord. 32-90. Passed 10-22-90.)
   Any person, firm, corporation or business entity of any type, which, as a part of its business operations, has an outside tire storage in excess of 300 tires as defined, shall operate only in a Class "E" Heavy Industrial District and shall comply with regulations established in this chapter.
(Ord. 32-90. Passed 10-22-90.)
   No person shall operate any business with the outside storage of tires without obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy and Compliance reviewed and approved by the City Planning Commission. A detailed site plan, along with a completed application for a Certificate of Occupancy and Compliance, shall be submitted no later than fifteen days prior to the monthly City Planning Commission meeting.
(Ord. 32-90. Passed 10-22-90.)