   (a)    To control pollution of public waters by soil sediment from accelerated stream channel erosion and to control floodplain erosion caused by accelerated stormwater runoff from the development areas, the increased peak rates and volumes of runoff shall be controlled such that the peak rate of runoff from the twenty four hour storm having a recurrence frequency of 100 years occurring on the development area does not exceed the peak rate of runoff from a two year frequency, twenty four hour storm occurring on the same area under predevelopment conditions.
   (b)   Methods for controlling increases in storm water runoff peaks and volumes may include but are not limited to:
      (1)    Retarding flow velocities by increasing friction; for example, grassed road ditches rather than paved street gutters where practical, low density development areas, access roads, etc; discharging roof water to vegetated areas; or grass- and rock-lined drainage channels;
      (2)    Grading and construction of terraces and diversions to slow runoff and use of grade control structures to provide a level of control in flow paths and stream gradients;
      (3)    Inducted infiltration of increase storm water runoff into the soil where practical; for example, constructing special infiltration area where soils are suitable; retaining topsoil for all areas to be revegetated; or providing good infiltration areas with proper emergency overflow facilities. However, no concentrated infiltration technology, including infiltration basins or trenches, permeable pavement-infiltration, bioretention areas/cell and infiltration, and other methods where the stormwater infiltrates into the ground will be permitted within the Wellhead Protection Zone 1 or Wellhead Protection Zone 2 as defined by Section 1335.04; and,
      (4)   Provisions for detention and retention; for example, permanent ponds and lakes with stormwater basins provided with proper drainage, multiple use areas for stormwater detention and recreation, wildlife, transportation, fire protection, aesthetics or subsurface storage areas.
   (c)    Where required by the City Engineer, provide a 50 foot undisturbed natural buffer around surface waters of the state.
   (d)    Stabilize disturbed areas in accordance with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency General Construction Permit.
(Ord. 4-14. Passed 4-14-14.)
   In compliance with Section 919.06 a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) for the proposed development area, with maps drawn to scale of not less than one inch equals one hundred feet shall be submitted containing the following information:
   (a)    All items listed in Part III G of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency General Construction Permit.
   (b)    Structural Post Construction Best Management Practices shall be limited to Dry Extended Detention Basin including underground detention tanks, Wet Extended Detention Basin and Bioretention Areas unless approved by the City Engineer.
      (Ord. 4-14. Passed 4-14-14.)
   The City Engineer may waive specific requirements for the plan detail if the area is covered by a previously approved plan or is incorporated into a development permit under Chapter 1331.
(Ord. 4-14. Passed 4-14-14.)