   Neither submission of a plan under provisions of this chapter nor compliance with provisions of this chapter shall relieve any person from responsibility for damage to any person or property otherwise imposed by law, nor impose any liability upon the City for damage to any person or property.
(Ord. 4-14. Passed 4-14-14.)
   If any clause, section or provision of this chapter is declared invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, the validity of the remainder shall not be affected thereby.
(Ord. 4-14. Passed 4-14-14.)
   (a)    No person shall cause or allow earth-disturbing activities on a development area prior to submittal and approval of a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWP3) showing compliance with the standards and criteria set out in Chapter 919.
   (b)    No storm sewer tap under Section 913.10, zoning clearance under Section 1155.02, approval of plans under Section 1105.08, or Flood Plain development permit under Section 1331.12 shall be issued until the developer receives approval of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) and methods for control of stream channel and floodplain erosion control showing compliance with the standard and criteria set out in Chapter 919.
(Ord. 4-14. Passed 4-14-14.)
   (a)    When the proposed earth-disturbing activity includes less than one acre, it is not necessary to submit a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWP3). The developer shall incorporate best management practices into the site development plan submitted for approval. When the proposed earth-disturbing activity includes less than one acre and the development is exclusively one-, two- and three family housing not part of a larger development, it is not necessary to submit a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWP3). Compliance with the other provisions of this chapter is required.
   (b)    Where to post development stormwater discharge increases by less than one cubic foot per second (1 cfs) in a 100 year storm event, no stream channel and floodplain erosion is required under Section 919.12, Compliance with the other provisions of this chapter is required. (Ord. 4-14. Passed 4-14-14.)