21.56.030 Prohibition.  
It shall be unlawful for any person to offer or make available for rent or to rent (by way of a rental agreement, lease, license or any other means, whether oral or written), for compensation or consideration of any kind, any dwelling of any kind, or room or rooms in a dwelling, or any dwelling unit, or a portion thereof, within the city, for less than thirty consecutive days. No person or entity shall place or maintain any advertisement for a short-term rental prohibited by this section. It shall be unlawful for any person to occupy a dwelling, a dwelling unit or a room in a dwelling for less than thirty consecutive days pursuant to a rental agreement, lease, license or any other means, whether oral or written, for compensation or any consideration of any kind. This prohibition shall not apply to the rental of any dwelling unit, or room or rooms, located within or that are part of any city-permitted hotel and motel.
(Ord. 710, § 5 (part), 2019).