21.200.040 C definitions
   "Canopy." See "portable canopy".
   "Carport" is a permanent roofed structure with not more than two enclosed sides used or intended to be used for vehicle storage and shelter.
   "Check cashing facility" is a business establishment that provides financial services limited to the exchange of cash for a personal or business check, money order, or similar credit device, for a fee, as well as the sale of money orders and cash gift cards. Such facilities do not provide loans, savings or checking accounts, or any other such services generally offered by a bank, savings and loan, credit union, or other regulated financial services business.
   "Child day care facility" is a facility which provides non-medical, care, protection and supervision, to more than fourteen children under eighteen years of age, on a less than twenty-four-hour basis.
   "Church" means any property utilized primarily as a place of worship or for conducting religious services, and including accessory structures associated with such use. Definition includes temple, mosque, synagogue, convent, and similar.
   "Clear visibility triangle" is an area of clear cross-visibility area at an intersection unobstructed by structures or landscaping. Clear-visibility triangles are located at any corner formed by the intersection of two streets. The required clear cross-visibility area shall be a triangle having two sides fifteen-feet long extending along the curb line of each street (Figure 21.200.040A).
   "Club" is an association of persons, whether incorporated or unincorporated, for some common purpose, but not including groups primarily organized to render a service carried on as a business.
   "Cyber café" is an establishment that provides four or more computers and/or other electronic devices for access to that system commonly referred to as the Internet, email, playing video games over the Internet, and/or access to other computer software programs, to the public for compensation and/or for public access. Cyber café is also synonymous with PC café, Internet café, and cyber centers.
(Ord. 651, § 8, 2012; Ord. 612 Exhibit A (part), 2008).