21.112.030 Required findings.
To grant a certificate of compatibility, the city council shall consider the recommendation by the planning commission and shall make all of the following findings by adoption of a formal resolution:
   1.   The proposed structure or addition is designed so that it complies with the development standards of the zoning code in which it is to be located and the city's general plan;
   2.   The proposed structure or addition complies with the most recent edition of the California Building Code as adopted and amended by the city; applicable public works development standards, policies and requirements; standards, and any other applicable regulations, policies or standards;
   3.   The proposed structure or addition, as conditioned, is not economically or aesthetically detrimental to existing or previously approved uses or structures within the surrounding area; and
   4.   The proposed structure or addition is aesthetically compatible with the existing uses and structures within the surrounding area, and complies with any applicable design guidelines, policies and/or standards established for the purposes of the certificate of compatibility, including application review and approval. (Ord. 656 § 4 (part), 2012; Ord. 623 § 9, 2008; Ord. 612 Exhibit A (part), 2008).