21.84.080 Application review and determinations.
   (a)   Distribution and Review. Application materials shall be circulated to other city departments and agencies for review and comment as determined necessary or appropriate by the community development director. Planning department staff shall be responsible for requesting and incorporating comments into project modifications or conditions of approval to ensure conformance with all provisions of the municipal code and other adopted policies and plans.
   (b)   Staff Determinations, Recommendations, and Reports.
      (1)   For administrative permits, the community development director shall create a written record of action to approve, conditionally approve, or deny the permit.
      (2)   For quasi-judicial and legislative actions, the community development director shall prepare a staff report that analyzes the proposed land use and development application for compliance and consistency with the provisions of this title, other applicable sections of the city's Municipal Code, the general plan, any applicable planned unit development, and applicable state law. The staff report shall include recommendations on the approval, approval with conditions, or disapproval of the application, taking into account the information provided by CEQA documentation. The staff report shall be mailed or delivered to the approving authority and the applicant not less than three days prior to public hearing or action on the application.
(Ord. 612 Exhibit A (part), 2008).