21.76.060 Temporary signs.
Temporary commercial signs for a business grand opening or a special product, sale, or event advertising may be permitted on the site of the business to which the message pertains. Such temporary signs shall require approval of a temporary sign permit in compliance with the following provisions:
   (1)   Maximum area. Each business or entity shall be permitted only one temporary sign with a maximum sign area of one hundred square feet.
   (2)   Location. Temporary signs shall be attached to the main building or wall/fence and shall not extend above the roofline or height of the wall/fence on which they are located. Temporary signs shall not be freestanding or illuminated.
   (3)   Temporary hand-held signs prohibited. Temporary hand-held signs bearing a commercial message shall be prohibited at all locations in the city at all times.
   (4)   Time limitation. Each business shall be allowed a maximum of eighty-four days of temporary signage per calendar year. No single temporary advertising period shall be longer than fourteen consecutive days, and no more than six periods of such temporary advertising shall be permitted within a calendar year. Temporary advertising periods may not be combined.
(Ord. 612 Exhibit A (part), 2008).