21.64.030 Exceptions to height limits.
The following exceptions to height limits are allowed, provided compliance is achieved with all other applicable permit requirements and development standards of this title.
   (1)   Uninhabited architectural design features such as towers, spires, steeples, domes, and cupolas may exceed the specified height limit by a maximum of ten percent, subject to approval by the appropriate approving authority.
   (2)   Antennas, flagpoles, ventilators, chimneys, water tanks and utility structures, or other mechanical appurtenances may exceed the specified height limit by a maximum of twenty percent.
   (3)   Electrical transmission lines and towers are exempt from the provisions of this chapter.
   (4)   Additional height exceptions for wireless communications facilities are set forth in Chapter 21.46.
(Ord. 612 Exhibit A (part), 2008).