21.22.090 Other applicable regulations.
   The following chapters of this title apply to all development in the M-2 zoning district:
   21.42   Accessory uses
   21.44   Adult businesses
   21.46   Antennas and wireless communications facilities
   21.48   Commercial cannabis uses and cultivation
   21.50   Recycling facilities
   21.60   Accessory structures
   21.62   Fences and walls
   21.64   Height measurement and exceptions
   21.66   Landscaping
   21.68   Parking and loading
   21.70   Performance standards
   21.72   Property maintenance
   21.76   Signs
   21.78   Yard requirements and exceptions
(Ord. 700 § 5 (part), 2017; Ord. 612 Exhibit A (part), 2008).