21.22.050 Outdoor storage and display.
   (a)   Temporary Sales. Location of display area for temporary sales is to be limited to those areas generally adjacent to the front building elevation of the tenant space, and shall in no manner interfere with vehicle circulation and required parking spaces. Display areas shall be designed to be viewed primarily from on-site rather than from the public right-of-way. Such temporary sales activity shall require a temporary use permit pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 21.100.
   (b)   Outdoor Display Areas. The design of the outdoor display area and its physical delineation shall place an emphasis on aesthetic and functional integration into the site and building design. The physical limits of display areas shall be clearly delineated through treatments such as decorative pavement, decorative bollards, landscaped planters, or similar features. All outdoor display areas shall be designed in a manner to allow free pedestrian movement within and around their vicinity, including compliance with federal ADA requirements.
   (c)   Pest Control. Where storage is permitted in accordance with this title, materials, including wastes, shall be stored and grounds maintained in a manner that will not attract or aid the propagation of insects or rodents or create a health hazard.
(Ord. 612 Exhibit A (part), 2008).