20.12.050 Distribution.
The planning director shall indicate the date of filing upon all copies of the tentative map and accompanying data, and shall within two regular working days, transmit at least one copy of the map to each of the following who shall report back thereon within twenty days:
   (1)   The city engineer;
   (2)   Each county and city entitled by law to review and recommend thereon;
   (3)   The Real Estate Commissioner of the state of California;
   (4)   The affected school district;
   (5)   The public utilities serving the area;
   (6)   The sanitation district;
   (7)   The county health officer;
   (8)   The District Engineer of the State Division of Highways;
   (9)   Special districts or other public agencies concerned (county engineer, county road department, flood control district).
(Ord. 121 § 304, 1967).