13.12.080 Exempted discharges, conditionally exempted discharges or designated discharges.
   (a)   Discharges from those activities specifically identified in, or pursuant to, Part III.A.1-3 of the municipal NPDES permit as being exempted discharges, conditionally exempted discharges or designated discharges shall not be considered a violation of this chapter; provided that, consistent with Part III.A.1-3 of the municipal NPDES permit:
      (1)   Any applicable BMPs developed pursuant to the Municipal NPDES Permit are implemented to minimize any adverse impacts from such identified sources;
      (2)   The discharger meets all notification, reporting and recordkeeping requirements; and
      (3)   The discharge has conducted all applicable monitoring requirements.
   (b)   Discharges in violation of the municipal NPDES permit. Any discharge that would result in or contribute to a violation of the municipal NPDES permit, either separately or in with other discharges, is prohibited. Liability for any such discharge shall be the responsibility of the person(s) causing or responsible for the discharge, and such person(s) shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City from all losses, liabilities, claims or causes of actions in any administrative or judicial action relating to such discharge.
(Ord. 671 § 1, 2014)