9.98.030 Imposition of fees for police personnel at nuisance parties.
   (a)   When any loud (as defined in La Mirada Municipal Code Section 9.04.010) or unruly party occurs or is held, and it is determined that there is a disruption to the public peace, health, safety or general welfare, the person in charge of the premises and the person responsible for the party, or if either of those persons is a minor, then the parents or guardians of the minor, will be held jointly and severally liable for the cost of providing sheriff personnel for special security assignment over and above the law enforcement services normally provided by the city and the sheriff's department, and the same may be given a written warning containing notice of the provisions of this section.
   Sheriff personnel utilized during a second response to the same location within seventeen days after a first warning is issued, to control the disturbance to the public peace, health, safety or general welfare, shall be deemed to be on special security assignment over and above the services normally provided. A party requiring such a second sheriff response is deemed to be a "nuisance party." Furthermore, those persons deemed liable for the cost of the special security assignment shall be deemed to have consented to such liability by failing to immediately take all steps necessary to avoid the need for the second sheriff response. The disturbance causing the second response shall be deemed to be a continuation of the disturbance causing the first response.
   (b)   The costs of such special security assignment may include costs of personnel, damages to city property, and injuries to city and sheriff personnel. The charges assessed will be the actual cost of service for controlling the disturbance and restoring the public peace, health, safety or general welfare at the location of the disturbance. Such charges shall be consistent with the current rate being charged to the city by the county of Los Angeles.
   (c)   In addition, charges for damage to public property shall be determined and set forth in an official written estimate from the Los Angeles County department of public works or the city environmental services department. The city reserves the right to elect any other legal remedies when deemed necessary.
   (d)   When a second sheriff's response to a party following issuance of a warning occurs, the sheriff's department shall provide the city with a copy of the first response warning issued at the disturbance and with all city-required information. This information shall include the number and type of sheriff personnel and units used, and time spent, to control the disturbance. The city will bill the responsible party or parties for costs of providing the special security assignment plus an additional twenty-five percent of said costs as costs of administration to process the bill and collect the charges. Failure to pay the charge, as billed by the city, shall be deemed a violation of this chapter. Such costs shall be deemed to be a personal debt of those liable for payment, and may be collected as a debt on a contract.
(Ord. 541 § 3 (part), 1999).