9.06.070 Alarm system standards.
   No alarm system, not including automatic dialing device alarms, shall be operated unless the alarm subscriber has entered into a service contract with an alarm company operator providing for service twenty-four hours per day. Every alarm system shall be equipped so that it shall not activate in the event of a power outage unless there exists an emergency situation for which the alarm was designed to detect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any alarm subscriber whose alarm system provides only an audible alarm and does not send an alarm notification to a monitoring company or to any public safety agency, may request a waiver of the requirements of this section by submitting a written request for waiver to the Alarm System Coordinator. The request shall state the location, make, model, and type of alarm system, and shall include manufacturer’s information verifying that the alarm is designed to automatically silence after no more than fifteen total minutes of activation when used for a residential structure, or thirty minutes when used for a commercial structure. Only alarm systems that are equipped and operated to automatically silence after no more than fifteen total minutes (residential) or thirty total minutes (commercial) of activation, are eligible for a waiver. The Alarm System Coordinator may inspect the alarm system and/or require provision of any additional information deemed necessary to ensure compliance with this section. Any waiver issued pursuant to this section may be revoked, after written notice, for failure to comply with the requirements of this section. The issuance of a waiver shall not affect the liability of an alarm subscriber for false alarm charges. (Ord. 649 § 2, 2012).