6.08.240 Commercial/Industrial exclusions.
   (a)   Source Separated Recyclables. No provision of this chapter shall prevent a commercial/industrial business owner from selling to a buyer, for a monetary or other valuable consideration, any source separated recyclables, including without limitation, any saleable scrap, discard, reject, by-product, ferrous or nonferrous metal, worn-out or defective part, junk, pallet, packaging material, paper or other similar item generated in, on or by a commercial/industrial premises or business, and no longer useful to such commercial/industrial business but having market value, whether such buyer is a recycler, junk dealer, or other enterprise engaged in the business of buying and marketing such materials in the stream of commerce; so long as such buyer is not engaged in the business of collecting solid waste for a fee or other charge or consideration, and that no such materials are transported for disposition to a landfill or transfer station (as defined in Public Resources Code Section 40200). Source separated recyclables within the meaning of this section shall mean recyclables separated on the commercial/industrial premises from solid waste for the purpose of sale, not mixed with or containing more than incidental or minimal solid waste, and having a market value.
   No provision of this chapter shall prevent a recycler, junk dealer or other enterprise engaged in the business of buying and marketing such materials in the stream of commerce and which is not engaged in the business of collecting solid waste or providing solid waste collection services for a fee or other charge, or consideration, from buying any materials referenced in this subsection A for a monetary or other valuable consideration, and which buys such materials for marketing and not for disposition in a landfill or transfer station (as defined in Public Resources Code Section 40200); nor shall any provision of this chapter prevent such recycler, junk dealer or enterprise which buys such materials from removing and transporting such materials to a destination for marketing in the stream of commerce. No such buyer shall buy or transport such materials without prior authorization from the city, as required by this code, whether in the form of a business license, a business permit, or a nonexclusive collection agreement.
   (b)   In-House Recycling Programs. Nothing in this chapter shall prevent a commercial/industrial business which has its own recycling or resource recovery program for recyclables generated by such business and not utilizing a solid waste enterprise which provides collection services for a fee, service charge, or other consideration, from continuing such recycling or resource recovery program, and the recyclables included in such program are excepted from any collection agreement entered into by the city.
   (c)   Renovation, Rebuilding, Repairs. No provision of this chapter shall prevent a commercial/industrial business owner from arranging for any worn, spent, or defective equipment, or part thereof, used in such commercial/industrial business and requiring renovation, rebuilding, recharging, regeneration or repair, to be picked up, renovated, rebuilt, recharged, regenerated or otherwise restored and repaired and returned to such commercial/ industrial business owner; nor shall any provision of this chapter prevent any person engaged in the business of renovating, rebuilding, recharging, regenerating, or otherwise restoring or repairing such equipment or part thereof, from transporting the same from or returning it to the commercial/industrial business, or from removing, transporting or disposing of any such equipment, or part thereof, replaced in connection with an equipment repair or service contract.
(Ord. 531 § 3 (part), 1999).