5.04.270 Appeal to city council.
Within twenty days of the date of mailing the notice of decision on any administrative hearing pursuant to this chapter, a licensee who contests such decision may appeal to the city council for the independent review of the matter at a public hearing of the council. The procedures, timeliness and requirements for an administrative hearing pursuant to Section 5.04.260 shall apply to an appeal to the city council, with the additional requirements that: (a) the appeal application shall also state the date that the notice of decision was mailed; and (b) the appeal application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of two hundred dollars.
   The city council may consider any and all evidence of record presented at the administrative hearing, together with any supplementary report of the staff necessary to clearly present the facts and circumstances of the case, and any new information brought forth at the public hearing. The city council may approve, reverse or modify the decision of the administrative hearing and the decision of the city council shall be final and conclusive.
(Ord. 383 § 3 Ex. B (part), 1986).