5.04.060 Renewal and delinquency.
   (a)   Every person or business making application for the renewal of a license shall furnish to the finance director for guidance in ascertaining the amount of license tax to be paid by the applicant, a signed written statement, under oath, upon a form provided by the finance director, setting forth such information pertaining to the preceding year as may be required in this chapter to determine the amount of the license tax to be paid.
   (b)   The finance director shall not issue to any such person or business a license for the same business, until such person or company shall have furnished to him the written statement and paid the license tax required in this chapter.
   (c)   Every person failing to pay the license fee on the date due shall become subject to a penalty of ten percent of the amount of such license for each thirty days thereafter up to a maximum of one hundred percent of the license fee due and owing.
(Ord. 383 § 3 Ex. B (part), 1986).