2.52.080 Powers and duties.
The city planning commission shall have the following powers and duties:
   (a)   The city planning commission's responsibilities and authorities shall be in accordance with the provisions of California law, except as may be otherwise authorized by and set forth in specific ordinances.
   (b)   The city planning commission shall receive and expeditiously act on all special project assignments made by the city council and shall submit reports and recommendations to the city council on such assignment.
   (c)   The city planning commission may submit recommended city projects to the city council for possible assignment by the city council.
   (d)   All actions and business of the city planning commission shall be conducted by the commission as a whole, unless a representative or subcommittee is appointed by the city planning commission to act on its behalf.
   (e)   Expenditure of any budgeted funds by the city planning commission shall require the prior approval of the city administrator. Proposed expenditures not budgeted in the annual budget shall be presented to the city council with a recommendation from the city planning commission for a special appropriation.
   (f)   It shall be the responsibility of the city planning commission to be represented at the meetings of the city council and other commissions when matters of joint concern are to be discussed, and to advise chairmen of other commissions of city planning commission matters of concern to such commissions which are to be discussed by the city planning commission.
   (g)   No decision of the city planning commission shall be final and binding on the city unless approved by the city council, or unless authority for such decision's finality has been granted to the city planning commission by provision of some city ordinance.
(Ord. 322 § 1 (part), 1982).