2.08.010 Office created.
   The office of the city manager is created and established. The city manager shall be appointed by the city council on the basis of executive and administrative qualifications and ability, and shall hold office at and during the pleasure of the city council. The city manager shall receive such compensation as the city council from time to time shall, by resolution, either direct or authorize.
   The city manager shall be the administrative head of the city government and shall be responsible to the city council for the efficient operation of the city. To this end he shall have the following powers and duties:
   (1)   Direct the activities of all appointed city employees and officers except the city treasurer and the city attorney;
   (2)   Attend all meetings of the city council and report on or discuss any matter under his jurisdiction upon which, in his judgment the city council should be informed or upon which the city council may wish to be informed;
   (3)   Coordinate the administrative functions of the city and carry out the policies, orders and instructions of the city council in the operation of the city government;
   (4)   Cause to be enforced all ordinances of the city;
   (5)   Analyze the functions and services of the city government and make such recommendations to the city council as in his judgment will result in the highest degree of efficiency in the overall operation of the city government;
   (6)   Prepare and recommend to the city council prior to June 15th of each year the municipal budget and after formal adoption of the budget by the city council shall be responsible for its administration and shall keep the city council informed with respect thereto;
   (7)   Develop and organize public improvement projects and programs and coordinate these projects and programs with proper public bodies and recommend any appropriate action in relation thereto to the city council;
   (8)   Meet with, assist and advise all commissions and committees appointed by the city council for the purpose of furthering the aims and achieving the goals of the city. For this purpose he may designate such subordinate employees of the city as he deems appropriate;
   (9)   Act as personnel officer for the city and in accordance with good personnel policy recruit and hire employees for any position authorized by the city council. He may take or institute whatever disciplinary action is necessary regarding city employees and shall report such actions to the city council;
   (10)   On matters of administration, the city manager shall report to the city council as a whole. Councilmen are expected to work through the city manager's office in all matters affecting the administrative activities of the city. Councilmen appointed as liaison representatives to the city commissions or committees are authorized to participate in meetings or deliberations of the groups;
   (11)   Designate city officers or employees of the city to exercise the powers authorized by Section 836.5 of the California Penal Code, including the issuance of citations for violations of the provisions of the municipal code.
      (A)   Any city officer or employee designated by the city manager under this section shall complete such training and education as is required by law prior to assuming any duties under this section.
      (B)   City officers or employees designated by the city manager under this section shall have the powers and duties granted by this section only when performing expressly assigned duties. At all other times said officers and employees shall have no status as a peace officer or any powers or authority or duties of a peace officer.
   (12)   To perform such other duties and exercise such other powers as may be delegated to him or her from time to time by ordinance or resolution or other official action of the city council.
(Ord. 590 § 1, 2005; Ord. 382 § l, 1986; Ord. 339 § 1 (part), 1983; Ord. 32 § 1, 1961; prior code § 2100).