§ 26-131. Plan Contents.
The following items shall he included in the SWM Site Plan:
      A.   Appropriate sections from the Municipal Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22] shall be followed in preparing the SWM Site Plans. In instances where the Municipality lacks Subdivision and Land Development regulations the County Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22] shall be followed.
      B.   The SWM Site Plan shall provide the following supplemental information:
         (1)   The overall stormwater management concept for the project.
         (2)   A determination of Site Conditions in accordance with Appendix 26-B. A detailed site evaluation shall be completed for projects proposed in karst topography.
         (3)   Stormwater runoff computations as specified in this Part.
         (4)   Expected project time schedule.
         (5)   An erosion and sediment pollution control plan, as prepared for and submitted to the approval authority. Proof of approval by the approval authority must he provided prior to execution of the Qualified Profes sional's signature block.
         (6)   The effect of the project (in terms of runoff volumes and peak flows) on adjacent properties and on any existing municipal stormwater collection system that may receive runoff from the project site.
         (7)   Plan and profile drawings of all SWM BMP's including open channels and swales.
         (8)   SWM Site Plan shall show the locations of existing and proposed septic tank infiltration areas and wells.
         (9)   A permanent 15-foot wide pathway for use by vehicles shall be provided around all SWM BMPs, such as ponds and infiltration structures. The pathways shall connect to a public thoroughfare.
         (10)   The following signature block for the Municipality:
            “______________, on this date (date of signature), has reviewed this SWM Site Plan in accordance with the design standards and criteria of the applicable Municipal Ordinances.”
         (11)   The following signature block for the qualified professional:
            “_________________, on this date (date of signature), hereby certify that this SWM Site Plan was prepared in strict accordance with all of the design standards and criteria of all applicable Municipal Ordinances.”
         (12)   An NPDES permit (when required by DEP) as prepared for and submitted to the approval authority. Proof of approval by the approval authority must he provided prior to execution of the qualified profes sional's signature block.
(Ord. 4-09-2007, 4/9/2007, § 401)