§ 22-405. Blocks.
   1.   Exceptions from strict conformity with the standards hereinbefore set forth may be made by the Planning Commission to allow unique and imaginative design of block layouts. Site plans presented to the Planning Commission for review shall show the detailed design being proposed including structures, trees and other natural features as required in this Chapter under Part 3. Such original designs may comprise industrial, commercial or residential development. Nothing in this Section shall relieve the subdivider from strict conformity with the regulations unless he can show that his proposals for original design observe the spirit of compliance, if not the exact content.
   2.   The length, width and shape of blocks shall be determined with sensitive regard to: type of building proposed, topography and natural features and safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation.
   3.   Blocks shall have a minimum length of 300 feet.
   4.   Where practicable, blocks along major and collector streets shall not be less than 1,000 feet long.
   5.   In the design of blocks longer than 1,000 feet, special consideration shall be given to the requirements of satisfactory fire protection.
   6.   Crosswalks shall be required between streets wherever necessary to facilitate pedestrian circulation and to give access to community facilities, such as parks or playgrounds.
(Ord.3/9/1993A,§ 404)