A.   Number Allowed:
      1.   There shall not be more than one (1) detached accessory building on a lot in addition to one (1) attached or detached garage.
      2.   One (1) play equipment structure, open-sided structure, gazebo enclosed only by screening or clear windows, or greenhouse only with glass, plexi-glass or similar walls and roof having a footprint less than two hundred (200) square feet shall be allowed in addition to the number of accessory buildings allowed by subsection A1 of this section.
      3.   Accessory buildings greater than allowed by this section may be allowed by approval of a conditional use permit.
   B.   Site Plan Approval:
      1.   Zoning Permit Required: Detached accessory buildings not exceeding two hundred (200) square feet in floor area shall be allowed without issuance of a building permit, but shall comply with all other provisions of this title. Such buildings must receive a zoning permit before they are constructed or moved onto property. The Zoning Administrator or designee shall review the site plan and construction drawings to determine compliance with this title and other applicable ordinances, laws, and regulations.
      2.   Building Permit Required: Detached accessory buildings greater than two hundred (200) square feet in floor area shall require a building permit. The building official shall review the site plan and construction drawings to determine compliance with the Building Code and other applicable ordinances, laws, and regulations.
   C.   Setbacks And Encroachment:
      1.   For corner lots within the RS-3, RS-4, and RS-CBD Districts, private garages (attached or detached) that are oriented so that vehicle access is directly straight in off of a public street adjacent to the side lot line shall be set back not less than twenty five feet (25') from the side lot line abutting the public right-of-way.
      2.   Detached accessory buildings with a gross floor area of two hundred (200) square feet or less:
         a.   Such structures shall be set back at least six feet (6') from any other building or structure on the same lot and shall not be located within a required buffer yard or drainage and/or utility easement.
         b.   Such structures may encroach into the required side or rear yard setbacks when located in the rear yard of the lot, except in the case of a side yard of a corner lot abutting a public street.
         c.   When encroachment into required side or rear yard setbacks is allowed, such detached accessory buildings shall be set back at least five feet (5') from all adjoining lots.
      3.   Detached accessory buildings exceeding two hundred (200) square feet in gross floor area:
         a.   Such structures shall be set back at least ten feet (10') from any other building or structure on the same lot, and shall not be located within a required buffer yard or drainage and/or utility easement.
         b.   Such structures may encroach into the required side or rear yard setbacks when located in the rear yard of a lot, except in the case of a side yard of a corner lot abutting a public street.
         c.   When encroachment into required side or rear yard setbacks is allowed, such detached accessory buildings shall be set back at least ten feet (10') from all adjoining lots.
         d.   In the RS-CBD District, detached accessory buildings shall be set back at least five feet (5') from side lot lines.
         e.   A paved driveway meeting the requirements of subsection 11-19-7.I of this title shall be constructed for any detached structures having a structural exterior opening of eight feet (8') wide or greater.
   D.   Attached Garages:
      1.   The area of an attached garage shall be measured by interior dimensions.
      2.   Attached garages shall comply with the following dimension standards:
         a.   Minimum Floor Area Of An Attached Garage:
            (1)   For dwellings with basements: Four hundred eighty (480) square feet.
            (2)   For dwellings without basements: Five hundred forty (540) square feet.
         b.   Attached garages shall be a minimum of twenty two feet (22') in width.
         c.   The maximum width of the facade of an attached garage within the RS-4, RST-2, RM-1, RM-2, RH-1 and RH-2 Districts shall be thirty six feet (36').
      3.    Allowed Floor Area:
         a.   The maximum floor area of an attached garage shall be one thousand (1,000) square feet except allowed by section 11-18-7.D.3.b of this title.
         b.   An attached garage for a single-family dwelling with an above grade finished floor area of more than two thousand (2,000) square feet within the RS-1, RS-2, and RS-3 Districts:
            (1)   The maximum floor area shall be one thousand two hundred fifty (1,250) square feet.
            (2)   For lots greater than one (1) acre in area the maximum floor area may be greater than one thousand two hundred fifty (1,250) square feet by conditional use permit subject to the provisions listed in section 11-18-5 of this chapter.
         c.   The area of the attached garage shall comply with the limitations specified in Section 11-18-9.D of this Title.
         d.   Storage spaces located directly below attached garages shall not be considered in determining allowable accessory building floor area.
      4.   An attached garage shall comply with all building and setback requirements applicable to the principal building.
   E.   Animal Enclosures:
      1.   Notwithstanding subsection C of this section, domestic animal enclosures shall not be placed in the front yard or in the side yards abutting a street, shall not be placed closer than ten feet (10') to any property line, and shall not be placed closer than twenty five feet (25') to any dwelling unit other than on the owner's property.
      2.   No encroachment shall be permitted in existing or required buffer yard or drainage and/or utility easements.
      3.   Screening and/or a hard surface will be required if problems occur with appearance, noise, odor, and sanitation as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
      4.   No animal enclosure shall exceed two hundred (200) square feet, unless approved through an administrative permit.
   F.   Ice Fishing Houses: Structures used as shelters on ice for fishing as regulated by Minnesota Statutes 97C.355 shall be subject to the following provisions when stored upon a lot:
      1.   One ice fishing house not constructed as a trailer shall be allowed and regulated as an accessory building subject to the setback, square footage and other regulations of this section.
      2.   An ice fishing house that is constructed as a trailer shall be regulated as recreational vehicles in accordance with subsection 11-22-5A2 of this title.
   G.   Compost Structures And Firewood Piles: Compost structures and firewood neatly stacked shall be considered accessory uses, shall be limited to rear yards and shall be set back ten feet (10') from all property lines, but shall not be subject to limitations applicable to the number of allowed accessory structures or individual area and total area allowed for accessory structures by this section.
   H.   Sport Courts: Accessory outdoor recreation surface areas with permanently affixed recreational equipment that may be enclosed by fence, or that may include exterior lighting shall be subject to the following provisions:
      1.   Location: The sport court shall be allowed only within the rear yard, shall not encroach within any drainage or utility easement, and shall comply with the following setbacks:
         a.   Side lot line abutting a public right-of-way: Thirty feet (30').
         b.   Interior side lot line: Ten feet (10').
         c.   Rear lot line: Ten feet (10').
      2.   Fencing:
         a.   Fencing enclosing the sport court shall be integral green, brown or black color mesh fabric or similar material or vinyl coated chainlink with a minimum opacity of seventy five percent (75%).
         b.   The maximum height of the fence shall be six feet (6') unless located within the buildable area of the lot or at least ten feet (10') from the rear lot line where a maximum height of eight feet (8') shall be allowed.
         c.   The fence shall be located within five feet (5') of the sport court surface.
      3.   Exterior Lighting:
         a.   Illumination of the sport court shall comply with the provisions of section 11-16-17 of this title.
         b.   The sport court shall not be illuminated between the hours of ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. and seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. or at other times when not in use.
         c.   Light fixtures illuminating the sport court shall be within five feet (5') of the surface.
         d.   Light fixtures shall not be mounted to a height greater than fifteen feet (15') and shall be downcast with a ninety degree (90°) horizontal cutoff.
         e.   All electrical wiring shall be located underground.
   I.   Sewer Connection: There shall be no connection to sanitary sewer or private on-site septic systems from any detached accessory building. (Ord. 674, sec. 1, 7-17-2000; amd. Ord. 697, secs. 1, 2, 12-17-2001; Ord. 867, sec. 38, 5-17-2010; Ord. 888, 2-21-2012; Ord. 936, 3-16-2015; Ord. 958, 3-21-2016; Ord. 976, 3-6-2017; Ord. 979, 5-15-2017; Ord. 996, 5-7-2018; Ord. 1031, 6-1-2020; Ord. 1047, 6-7-2021; Ord. 1065, 4-4-2022)