Buildings in all zoning districts shall maintain a high standard for exterior architecture to ensure a high quality of development and land use compatibility that contribute positively to community image in regard to material quality, visual aesthetics, permanence and stability and to prevent use of materials that are unsightly, deteriorate rapidly, contribute to depreciation of area property values, or cause urban blight.
   A.   General Provisions:
      1.   General Design Concept: Building and/or project designs shall utilize materials, colors, or details to meet the intent of these architectural standards.
      2.   Design Elements: Projects may be required to utilize building ornamentation features, including, but not limited to: columns, arches, parapets, cornices, friezes, canopies, moldings, dentils, corbels, quoins, rustication, vaults, domes, and cupolas.
      3.   Corporate Identity: The intent and purpose of these architectural standards supersede corporate identity designs; when a corporate identity design does not meet the intent and purpose of the architectural standards, the corporate identity design shall be limited to the area immediately adjacent to the main entry but shall otherwise be consistent with the intent of this section.
      4.   Area Plans: Projects in special areas of the City shall comply with the standards adopted by the City Council. The special areas, as defined by the comprehensive plan or specialized studies, are:
         a.   Central Business District: "Historical Fairfield District of Downtown Lakeville Design Guidelines".
         b.   Community corridors and gateways: "Corridor and Gateway Design Study".
         c.   Downtown development guide.
   5.   Definitions: For the purposes of this section, the allowed building materials or finishes shall be defined as:
ACID ETCH: A finish achieved by casting concrete against a smooth, hard surface. After removal from the form the element is allowed to harden to a uniform hardness. The element is then washed with an acid solution and scrubbed to remove the cement surface to a sand level resulting in a smooth, sand textured surface.
BRICK: The conventional molded rectangular block of baked clay, nominal four inch (4") width.
BRICK AND STONE FACE: A thin fired clay brick faced or stone faced architectural precast or tilt-up concrete panel with a cavity cast in, or a plate cast in if the brick runs to the bottom of the edge so that the brick can be set in the panel after its removal from the form exhibiting coursing and joint treatment to match hand-laid brickwork or stonework aesthetic.
CAST STONE: A finish achieved by ramming moist zero slump concrete against smooth rigid formwork until the product is densely compacted and ready for removal from the form. After curing, the panel may be hand rubbed or acid etched.
EXPOSED AGGREGATE: A finish achieved by:
   a.   Casting against a form surface that has been painted with retarder that retards the set of the concrete at its surface.
   b.   Application of a chemical retarder to the surface of the form. The retarder prevents the matrix from hardening at the surface of the panel to a specific depth, controlled by the strength of the retarder. After curing, the unhardened layer of matrix at the surface of the panel is removed by a high pressure water washing, thus, exposing the aggregate used in the concrete.
   c.   Casting concrete against a smooth hard surface. After removal from the form, the finished surface is sandblasted to remove the matrix and expose, as well as etch, the coarse aggregate.
FORM LINERS: A finish achieved by the use of plaster, rubber, grained wood, rope or other material as a liner in the casting form to impart a particular finish to the face of the panel.
LIGHT SANDBLAST: A finish achieved by casting concrete against a smooth, hard surface. After removal from the form, the element is given a light sandblasting removing the cement skin from the surface resulting in a smooth, sand textured surface.
MASONRY VENEER: A finish having a manufactured non-structural external veneer layer of thin fired clay brick, or natural/artificial stone exhibiting coursing and joint treatment to match hand-laid brickwork or stonework aesthetic either anchored or attached directly to an internal structural wall manufactured as a unit off-site.
SMOOTH AS CAST: Concrete placed against a hard, smooth formwork to achieve a smooth "as cast" finish on the precast element.
TOOLED: A finish achieved by casting concrete against a smooth or specifically textured or patterned formwork. After removal from the form, the hardened surface is treated mechanically to create the desired effect such as "fractured fin" or "bush hammered."
   B.   Exterior Building Finishes: For the purpose of this subsection, materials shall be divided into grades and categories as follows:
      1.   Grade A:
         a.   Brick, brick face, or custom masonry units (CMU) having a bricklike appearance.
         b.   Natural or artificial stone.
         c.   Glass.
         d.   Copper panels.
      2.   Grade B:
         a.   Specialty concrete block such as textured, burnished block or rock faced block with integral color or stain exceeding ASTM G154.
         b.   Architecturally precast concrete panels having an exposed aggregate, light sandblast, acid etch, form liner, smooth as cast, tooled, masonry veneer, and/or cast stone type finish.
         c.   Masonry stucco.
         d.   Ceramic.
      3.   Grade C:
         a.   Exterior insulation and finish system (EIFS).
         b.   Opaque panels.
         c.   Ornamental metal.
         d.   Fiber-cement exterior siding.
         e.   Architectural panels with simulated wood or other natural material finish.
      4.   Grade D:
         a.   Smooth as cast concrete block.
         b.   Smooth scored concrete block.
         c.   Glass block.
         d.   Wood provided that the surfaces are finished for exterior use or the wood is of proven durability for exterior use, such as cedar, redwood or cypress.
      5.   Grade E:
         a.   Steel, aluminum.
      6.   Grade F:
         a.   Vinyl.
      7.   Steel Or Aluminum Buildings: Except in association with farms as defined by this title, no galvanized or unfinished steel or unfinished aluminum buildings (walls or roofs), except those specifically intended to have a corrosive designed finish such as COR-TEN steel shall be permitted in any zoning district.
      8.   Integral Color: For the purpose of this section, exterior finish materials requiring integral color shall not include natural gray.
      9.   Foundations: Building foundations not exceeding one foot (1') and other such portions of a building's facade below the elevation of the first floor need not comply with the requirements for the primary facade treatment or materials.
      10.   Exceptions: Garage doors, window trim, flashing accent items and the like, shall not constitute required materials that make up the exterior finish of a building for the purposes of this section.
   C.   Residential Uses:
      1.   The primary exterior building finish for residential uses shall consist of grade A, B, C, D, E and/or F materials.
      2.   Required use of exterior building materials for buildings within the RST-2, RM-1, RM-2, RM-3, RH-1 and RH-2 Districts shall be as set forth by the respective zoning districts.
      3.   Required use of exterior building materials for buildings within the M-1 and M-2 Districts shall be as provided for by Section 11-17-9 .D.1 of this Title.
   D.   Commercial, Office and Institutional uses: The exterior of commercial, office and institutional buildings shall comply with the following requirements:
      1.   Commercial Districts (except O-P District):
         a.   The exterior building finish shall use at least three (3) grade A materials, except that buildings may be constructed primarily of one (1) specific grade A material provided the design is obviously superior to the general intent of this title, provides variation in detailing, footprint of the structure or deviations in long wall sections to provide visual interest.
         b.   The exterior building finish shall be composed of at least sixty five percent (65%) grade A materials; not more than thirty five percent (35%) grade B or grade C material and not more than ten percent (10%) grade D materials.
         c.   Masonry veneer may be used for principal buildings with a gross floor area of less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet to satisfy the grade A material requirements of this section.
      2.   O-P District uses:
         a.   The exterior building finish of the front and any side and rear elevations visible from public right(s)-of-way, parks, public view from adjacent properties, or residential uses or districts (as determined by the Zoning Administrator), shall be composed of at least two (2) or more materials that consist of at least sixty-five percent (65%) grade A materials, not more than thirty-five percent (35%) grade B and grade C materials, and not more than ten percent (10%) grade D materials.
            (1)   Architecturally precast concrete panels with a form liner, tooled, brick and stone face, cast stone, and/or smooth type finish may be used to satisfy the grade A material requirements of this section.
            (2)   Masonry veneer may be used for principle buildings with a gross floor area of less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet to satisfy the grade A material requirements of this section.
         b.   Side or rear elevations not visible from public right(s)-of-way, parks, public view from adjacent properties or residential uses or districts shall use a combination of grade A, B, or C materials for the exterior building finish.
         c.   Buildings shall have an office design, as opposed to a warehouse design, with a two-story appearance by the use of windows (clear or opaque) and other design treatments that define “floors” on the front and any side or rear elevations visible from public right(s)-of-way, parks, public view from adjacent properties, or residential uses or districts.
      3.    Institutional uses regardless of zoning district:
         a.   The exterior building finish shall be composed of at least sixty five percent (65%) grade A materials, not more than thirty five percent (35%) grade B and C materials, and not more than ten percent (10%) grade D materials.
         b.   Architecturally precast concrete panels with a form liner, tooled, brick and stone face, and/or cast stone type finish may be used to satisfy the grade A material requirements of this section.
         c.   Masonry veneer may be used for principal buildings with a gross floor area of less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet to satisfy the grade A material requirements of this section.
      4.   All elevations of the principle and accessory structures are to have essentially the same or coordinated harmonious exterior finish with the exception of material uses as defined in subsection 2.a, b, and c above.
   E.   Industrial Uses:
      1.   The primary exterior building finish for buildings within Industrial Districts shall consist of grade A, B, C, D and/or E materials.
      2.   Steel or aluminum curtain wall panels (nonstructural, nonload bearing) shall be allowed within Industrial Districts provided that:
         a.   The panels are factory fabricated and finished with a durable nonfade surface and their fasteners are of a corrosion resistant design.
         b.   The building shall be required to be faced with grade A, B, C or D material on wall surfaces abutting public rights-of-way, a nonindustrial zoning district, an adjacent industrial building with brick, wood, stone or decorative concrete wall surfaces, residential uses, or public areas. The required wall surface treatment may allow a maximum of fifty percent (50%) of the metal or fiberglass wall to remain exposed if it is coordinated into the architectural design and is similar to the building frontage.
   F.   Other Requirements:
      1.   Color Variations: Minor blended color variations shall not be considered as a separate material, except that a distinctively different color of brick may be considered as a second grade A material.
      2.   Primary Material: To be counted as a primary material, the product shall comprise at least five percent (5%) of the exterior wall.
      3.   Back Of Parapets: The back of parapets that are visible shall be finished with materials and colors compatible with the front of the parapet.
      4.   Exposed Roof Materials: Exposed roof materials shall be similar to, or an architectural equivalent of a three hundred (300) pound or better asphalt or fiberglass shingle, wooden shingle, standing seam metal roof or better.
      5.   Contrasting Colors: Use of contrasting colors for building elements such as cloth or metal awnings, trim, banding, walls, entries or any portion of the overall building shall be minimized, but in no case shall such coloring exceed ten percent (10%) of each wall area.
      6.   Painting Brick Or Stone: Grade A brick or stone exteriors of multiple family residential, commercial, industrial, or institutional buildings shall not be painted during the life of the exterior materials.
      7.   Accessory Structures:
         a.   Except in the A-P and RA Zoning Districts, all accessory buildings in excess of two hundred (200) square feet that are accessory to residential dwelling units shall be constructed with a design and exterior building materials consistent with the general character of the principal structure on the lot.
         b.   Accessory buildings for nonresidential uses, including those allowed in the Residential Districts, shall be of a similar character, design, and facade as the principal structure.
      8.   Expansions:
         a.   Remodeling or maintenance of existing buildings that do not increase the floor area of the existing structure shall be regulated by chapter 15 of this title.
         b.   Additions of less than fifty percent (50%) of the floor area of the existing building may use the same or higher grade materials as the existing structure.
         c.   Not more than one exterior wall designed for removal to allow future building expansion may be allowed to use grade D materials notwithstanding other applicable provisions of this section provided that the wall does not face a public street.
   G.   Exceptions: Exceptions to the provisions of this section may be granted as a conditional use subject to the following criteria:
      1.   The use is an airport or essential service as defined by this title; or
      2.   The applicant shall have the burden of demonstrating that:
         a.   The proposed building maintains the quality in design and materials intended by this title.
         b.   The proposed building design and materials are compatible and in harmony with other structures within the district.
         c.   The justification for deviation from the requirements of this section shall not be based on economic considerations.
      3.   A maintenance plan for use of alternative materials or for an exception to the exterior finish requirements of this section may be required by the City Council as a condition of approval to insure consistency with the intent of this section.
(Ord. 867, sec. 30, 5-17-2010; amd. Ord. 958, 3-21-2016; Ord. 979, 5-15-2017; Ord. 996, 5-7-2018; Ord. 1011, 6-3-2019; Ord. 1015, 8-5-2019; Ord. 1031, 6-1-2020; Ord. 1047, 6-7-2021; Ord. 1074, 10-17-2022)