The following guidelines will be used by the plan commission and the village board to evaluate the suitability of proposed planned developments. These guidelines represent sound planning principles which should be incorporated into planned developments. However, it is not intended that each and every one of these guidelines be rigidly conformed to, as long as just cause for any departure from these guidelines is demonstrated to the village board.
   A.   The planned development shall be consistent with the intent and purpose of these zoning regulations.
   B.   The planned development shall be generally compatible with the character of the underlying zoning district and neighborhood in which it is located.
   C.   The planned development should be consistent with the village's official comprehensive plan.
   D.   The planned development should preserve the value of the surrounding residential area and must be compatible with surrounding land uses.
   E.   Significant physical, topographical, environmentally sensitive or historical features of the site of the planned development, which are of importance to the community, should be preserved.
   F.   The entire property proposed for planned development treatment shall be in single ownership or under such unified control, or the petition shall include a unit of local government as a petitioner or as a copetitioner, so as to ensure that the entire property will ultimately be developed as a unified whole. All owners of the subject property shall be included as joint applicants on all applications and all approvals shall bind all owners, except that notwithstanding any of the foregoing to the contrary, a unit of local government may petition for property which it does not own provided the unit of local government is the petitioner or a copetitioner. Parties entitled to apply for a conditional use permit shall be limited to the property owner, agent of the property owner, or the contract purchaser of subject property, acting with the consent of the property owner, or the village, or another unit of local government. The violation of any owner as to any lot shall be deemed a violation as to all owners and all lots. (Ord. 2016-11-02, 11-9-2016)