A.   The Village of Lake Villa 2022 Comprehensive Plan and 2022 Official Land Use Map prepared by Teska Associates is hereby adopted, ratified, and approved as the Lake Villa Official Comprehensive Plan, and the 2022 Official Land Use Map, which is part thereof, is hereby adopted, ratified, and approved (collectively, the "2022 Lake Villa Official Comprehensive Plan") and supersede and replace all previously approved comprehensive plans and comprehensive land use maps previously adopted by the Village.
   B.   The plan for general development of the Village and the area contiguous thereto, as contained in the 2022 Lake Villa Official Comprehensive Plan and 2022 Official Land Use Map which is part thereof is the Official Comprehensive Plan of the Village and may be amended from time to time pursuant to law with or without amendment of this Code. (Ord. 2022-01-03, 1-4-2022)