A.   The Village hereby adopts by reference as its Building and Construction-Related Codes, the following codes:
      1.   The International Building Code, 2012 edition (IBC), of the International Code Council (ICC), is hereby adopted, except for such amendments, deletions, and/or substitutions as herein provided, as part of the Lake Villa Building Code (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "International Building Code").
      2.   The ICC International Residential Code, 2012 as set forth in subsection C of this section.
      3.   The ICC International Building Code, 2012 as set forth in subsection D of this section.
      4.   The ICC International Mechanical Code, 2012 as set forth in subsection E of this section.
      5.   The ICC International Fuel Gas Code, 2012 as set forth in subsection F of this section.
      6.   The ICC International Swimming Pool and Spa Code, 2012 as set forth in subsection G of this section.
      7.   The ICC International Fire Code, 2012 as set forth in subsection H of this section.
      8.   The NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, 2011 as set forth in subsection I of this section.
      9.   The State of Illinois Plumbing Code, as amended in ordinance no. 2015-09-01.
   B.   General amendments to Building and other Construction-Related Codes adopted in subsection A of this section:
      1.   Insert the words "Village of Lake Villa" to replace "[NAME OF JURISDICTION]".
      2.   Any and all reference to "Department of Building" shall mean "Department of Building and Zoning".
      3.   Any and all reference to "Department of Building Safety" shall mean "Department of Building and Zoning". Any difference between the ICC International Residential Code 2012 and the existing One and Two Family Dwelling Building Code 2008 of the Village of Lake Villa, the more restrictive code shall be adhered to.
      4.   Any and all references to the ICC Electrical Code are hereby deleted and replaced with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code 2011.
      5.   Any and all references to the ICC International Energy Conservation Code or Chapter 13 are hereby deleted and replaced with the State of Illinois Energy Conservation Code.
      6.   Any and all references to the ICC International Plumbing Code are hereby deleted and replaced with the State of Illinois Plumbing Code, current edition.
      7.   Any and all references to the ICC International Property Maintenance Code as adopted with amendments on August 27, 2014 via Ordinance No. 2014-08-03.
      8.   Any and all references to the ICC International Private Sewage Disposal Code are hereby deleted and replaced with the "Lake County Board of Health Ordinance Article V".
      9.   Any and all references in the ICC International Building Code that has the words "fire code official" shall be changed to read "Building Official and Fire Official".
      10.   Any and all references to the "Code Official" shall be changed to read "Building Official".
      11.   The penalty for violation of any of the provisions of the ICC International Building Code, 2012 (as amended), the ICC International Residential Code, 2012 (as amended), the ICC International Mechanical Code, 2012 (as amended), the ICC International Fuel Gas Code, 2012 (as amended), the ICC International Swimming Pool and Spa Code, 2012 (as amended), the ICC International Fire Code, 2012 (as amended) and the NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, 2011 (as amended), shall be a fine of not less than $200.00 nor more than $750.00 per day. Each day shall constitute a separate offense. Nothing herein, however, shall preclude enforcement proceedings by means other than a fine, including injunction proceedings.
   C.   The following amendments, deletions, additions and/or modifications are hereby made to the International Residential Code (IRC), 2012:
IRC Page 2
Section R103.3
Delete the last sentence with no substitution.
IRC Page 3
Section R105.2
Delete the sub-section with no substitution.
IRC Page 3 & 4
Section R105.2
Deleted all including Building, Electrical, Gas, Mechanical and ending two paragraphs with no substitution.
IRC Page 4
Section R105.3
Delete the word "safety" and insert the words "and zoning".
IRC Page 5
Section R105.5
Delete the existing Section and insert the words:
Permit time limits. All permits shall become void if;
1. A substantial start of construction is not made within 6 months from the date of issuance.
2. Substantial work is not performed during any 6-month period.
3. Within 2 years from date of issuance of a building permit a Certificate of Occupancy is not issued.
4. Permits for above ground or in ground swimming pools are not completed after a one-year period.
5. Permits for demolition are not completed 90 days after date of issuance.
6. Permits for fences, re-siding, re-roofing, decks, electrical up grade, sheds, detached garages, screen porches and any minor alteration to an existing building that does not exceed 400 square feet are not completed six months after issuance.
IRC Page 5
Section R105.7
Delete the entire section and replace with "The building permit card shall be kept on the site of the work in an accessible location, protected from adverse weather until the completion of the process."
IRC Page 5
Section R106.1
Delete the words "two or more" and insert the word "three".
IRC Page 5
Section R106.1.1
Delete the words: "Electronic media documents are permitted to be submitted when approved by the building official." and insert "Scale of plans shall be not less than 1/8 inch to one foot or more than 1/4 inch to one foot.
Exception: Sections or sketches drawn to a larger scale for clarity."
IRC Page 5
Section R106.1.3
"Flood Resistant Construction: Delete this section and replace with the following sentence:
"Refer to the Lake Villa Watershed Development Ordinance.
1. Ordinance No. 2023-08-02 Watershed Development
IRC Page 5
Section R106.2
In the first sentence delete the word "a site plan" and insert the words "three site plans".
IRC Page 5
Section R106.3.1
Delete the words "Reviewed for Code Compliance" with no substitution.
IRC Page 7
Section R110.3
Delete the words "that contains the following." and all of the numbered items with no substitution. Insert a sentence that reads "The Certificate of Occupancy shall be as prescribed by the Building Official."
IRC Page 8
Section R112
Delete the entire section and replace with: "The provisions of Section 8-1-15 of the Village Code shall govern and control the means of appeal".
IRC Page 9
Section R113.4
Delete the words "penalties as prescribed by law" and insert the words "a fine of not less than $200.00 nor more than $750.00 per day. Each day shall constitute a separate offense."
IRC Page 26
Table R301.2(1)
Complete this table as follows:
Ground Snow Load
Wind Design
Seismic Design Categoryf
Subject to Damage From
Topographic Effectsk
Frost Line Depthb
30 PSF
Winter Design Tempe
Ice Barrier Underlayment Requiredh
Flood Hazards
Air Freezing Indexi
Mean Annual Tempj
See Article 8 of the Lake County Unified Development Ordinance
IRC Page 48
Section R302
Delete this section with no substitution.
IRC Page 51
Table R302.6
All references to 1/2 inch gypsum board should be changed to 5/8 inch Type X gypsum board.
Delete the last line in the table. Add the following Exception:
Exception: One and two family dwellings that are protected by an automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be allowed to substitute 1/2 inch gypsum board in place of 5/8-inch Type X gypsum board.
IRC Page 54
Section R305.1
Change the section to read as follows:
Minimum height. Habitable space, hallways, bathrooms, toilet rooms, laundry rooms and portions of basements containing these spaces shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7'6".
IRC Page 62
Section R313
Delete this entire section with no substitution.
IRC Page 63
Section R314.3.1
Change this section to read as follows:
Alterations, repairs and additions. When alterations, repairs or additions requiring a permit occur, and the cost of the alterations, repairs or additions exceeds 50% of the assessed value of the dwelling or when one or more sleeping rooms are added or created in existing dwellings, the individual dwelling unit shall be equipped with smoke alarms located as required for new dwellings.
IRC Page 68
Section R322
Flood Resistant Construction: Delete this section and replace with the following sentence:
Refer to the Lake Villa Watershed Development Ordinance.
1. Ordinance No. 2015-12-02 Watershed Development
IRC Page 78
Table R403.1
Delete the current table and insert the following table:
Table R403.1
minimum width of concrete, precast or masonry footings (inches)
Number of stories and type of construction
Thickness of footing (inches)
Projection on each side of foundation wall (inches)
Number of stories and type of construction
Thickness of footing (inches)
Projection on each side of foundation wall (inches)
One story (without basement)
Masonry veneer on frame
One story (with basement)
Masonry veneer on frame
Over one story (with or without a basement)
Masonry veneer on frame
IRC Page 109
Section R405.1
Rewrite this section as follows and delete the exception:
Concrete or masonry foundations. Drains shall be provided around all concrete or masonry foundations that retain earth and enclosed spaces, habitable or usable spaces located below grade. The foundation drain shall consist of drainage tiles or perforated pipe placed on a minimum of 2 inches of washed gravel or crushed rock with a minimum aggregate size of one half inch in diameter and covered with not less than 12 inches of the same material. Foundation drains must be covered with a filter membrane with a minimum width of 18 inches. Foundation drains must connect to a sump pit located inside the basement or crawl space of the dwelling. The drains must discharge by gravity or mechanical means into an approved drainage system.
IRC Page 112
Section R408.6
Rewrite this section as follows:
Finished grade. The finished grade of under floor surfaces must be located a minimum of 24 inches and maximum of 42 inches below the bottom of the floor framing.
IRC Page 112
Section R408.7
Delete this section with no substitution.
IRC Page 157
Section R602.3.2
Delete the exception.
IRC Page 439
Section R903
Add the following section:
R903.5 All dwellings to provide gutters and downspouts, unless omission is specifically permitted by the Building Official. All exterior doors, not protected with gutters, shall be protected from roof runoff by a continuous gutter and downspouts or an approved type diverter.
   D.   The following amendments, deletions, additions and/or modifications are hereby made to the International Building Code (ICC), 2012:
IBC Page 2
Section [A] 103.3
Delete the remainder of the sentence after "appointing authority," with no substitution.
IBC Page 3
Section [A] 105.1.1
Delete the sub-section with no substitution.
IBC Page 3
Section [A] 105.1.2
Delete the sub-section with no substitution.
IBC Page 3 & 4
Section [A] 105.2
Delete Building, Electrical, Gas and last two paragraphs of Mechanical.
Amend Item #1. Playhouses and similar uses, provided the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet.
Item #6 Delete the words "and are not part of an accessible route" at the end of the paragraph.
IBC Page 5
Section [A] 105.5
Delete the existing Section and insert the words:
Permit time limits. All permits shall become void if:
1. A substantial start of construction is not made within 6 months from the date of issuance.
2. Substantial work is not performed during any 6-month period.
3. Within 2 years from date of issuance of a building permit a Certificate of Occupancy is not listed.
4. Permits for above ground or in ground swimming pools are not completed after a one-year period.
5. Permits for demolition are not completed 90 days after date of issuance.
6. Permits for fences, re-siding, re-roofing, decks, electrical up grade, sheds, detached garages, screen porches and any minor alteration to an existing building that does not exceed 400 square feet are not completed six months after issuance.
IBC Page 5
Section [A] 107.1
Delete the words "two or more" and insert the word "three".
IBC Page 5
Section [A] 107.2.1
Delete the words: "Electronic media documents are permitted to be submitted when approved by the building official." and insert "Scale of plans shall be not less than 1/8 inch to one foot or more than 1/4 inch to one foot.
Exception: Sections or sketches drawn to a larger scale for clarity."
IBC Page 6
Section [A] 107.2.5
In the first sentence delete "a site plan" and insert the words "three site plans".
IBC Page 6
Section [A] 107.3.1
Delete the words "as reviewed for Code Compliance" with no substitution.
IBC Page 8
Section [A] 111.2
Delete the words "that contains the following." and all of the numbered items with no substitution. Insert a sentence that reads "The Certificate of Occupancy shall be as prescribed by the Building Official."
IBC Page 9
Section [A] 113
Delete the entire section and replace with: "The provision of Section 8-1-15 of the Village code shall govern and control the means of appeal."
IBC Page 9
Section [A] 114.4
Delete the words "penalties as prescribed by law" and insert the words "a fine of not less than $200.00 nor more than $750.00 per day. Each day shall constitute a separate offense."
IBC Page 49
Section 310.1
Under the R-3 Group add a paragraph that reads "All two (2) hour fire separation assemblies between R-3 residential units shall not contain any mechanical or plumbing systems, unless the mechanical or plumbing system is part of a tested assembly. Electrical systems shall be allowed in accordance with the NFPA National Electrical Code 2011."
IBC Page 57
Section 403.1
Add the sentence to the end of the paragraph that reads "The height of the building for fire department access shall be measured from the average grade elevation to the highest finished floor level."
IBC Page 72
Section 411.1
Change the existing exception to number "1" and add another exception to read:
"2. A temporary use permit (not to exceed 30 days) may be issued for a haunted house in an existing structure provided the follow criteria is approved:
A. A special inspection has been conducted and the report is in the office.
B. A plot plan showing sufficient parking for the anticipated customers and all structures on the property.
C. A floor plan showing the existing and proposed layout of partitions, windows and means of egress.
D. A list of all interior finishes and materials to be used for decorations and their flame spread and smoke development ratings.
E. Plans showing permanent, temporary and emergency lighting.
F. Methods of assuring continuous movement of occupants through the amusement such as but not limited to:
1) An automatic sprinkler system.
2) Fire detection/alarm system.
3) Portable fire extinguishers."
IBC Page 208
Add Section [F] 903.3.1.4
Add a subsection to read:
"903.3.1.4 Emergency power supply. Every automatic fire suppression system that requires or is equipped with an electric fire pump shall have an emergency generator to provide power in the case of primary power loss.
Exception. Upon submittal of documentation from the Fire Chief having jurisdiction of the area, stating that he has reviewed all pertinent information concerning the interruption of the power supply of the area and is accepting the utility provider as a reliable power supply for the fire pump.
IBC Page 243
Section 1006.1
Illumination required. After the words "exit discharge", insert the words "and toilet rooms".
IBC Page 243
Section 1007
Delete the entire section and insert a new section to read:
"Section 1007 Accessible Means of Egress
1007.1 Accessible Means of Egress Required. Accessible means of egress shall comply with the Illinois Capitol Development Board, Accessibility Standards."
IBC Page 248
Section 1008.1.5
Add new subsection to read:
"1008.1.5.1 Grade Exit Discharge Doors: Where required to swing in the direction of egress travel, all required grade exit doors shall be provided with a hard surfaced area underneath the door swing.
1008.1.5.2 Stoop surface: The exterior surface shall have a slip resistant surface that has a slope not greater than 1:50 in any direction.
1008.1.5.3 Support: Sufficient wing walls, and/or foundation wall is required under all stoops. Wing walls shall have a minimum of one (1) number 4 reinforcing bar located not more than six (6) inches beneath the top edge of concrete and extending downward into the foundation wall not less than two (2) feet.
1008.1.5.4 Stoop Extension: The outer perimeter of the stoop shall not project out beyond the wing wall and/or foundation wall more than twelve (12) inches in any direction.
IBC Page 281
Chapter 11
Delete the entire Chapter and insert a new section to read:
"Chapter 11 Accessibility
1101.1 Applicability. The provisions of the State of Illinois Accessibility Code shall control the design and construction of facilities for accessibility to physically disabled persons."
IBC Page 345
Section 1608.1
Add to the end of the paragraph: "In no case shall the design snow load be less than 30 pounds per square foot".
IBC Page 405
Section 1808.7.4
Change this section to require the top of a foundation to be a minimum of 6" above the finished grade.
IBC Page 407
Section 1809.5
Delete from Item #1 the words "below the frost line of the locality" and insert the words "a minimum of forty-two (42) inches measured from adjacent finished grade level."
IBC Page 547
Table [P] 2902.1
Delete the entire table and insert "Table B" from the State of Illinois Plumbing Code.
   E.   The following amendments, deletions, additions and/or modifications are hereby made to the ICC International Mechanical Code, (ICC) 2012.
IMC Page 5
Section [A] 106.5.2
Delete all the words "as indicated in the following schedule." and "[JURISDICTION TO INSERT APPROPRIATE SCHEDULE]". Insert the words "the effective fee schedule as adopted by the Lake Villa Board".
IMC Page 7
Section [A] 108.5
Stop work orders. In the fourteenth (14th) line delete the first reference to "[AMOUNT]" and insert the number "100", delete the second reference to "[AMOUNT]" and insert the number "$500".
IMC Page 7
Section 109
Delete the entire section and replace with "The provisions of Section 8-1-15 of the Village Code shall govern and control the means of appeal."
IMC Page 129
Appendix B
Delete with no substitution.
   F.   The following amendments, deletions, additions and/or modifications are hereby made to the ICC International Fuel Gas Code, (ICC) 2012.
IFGC Page 5
Section [A] 106.6.2
Delete the words "as indicated in the following schedule." And "[JURISDICTION TO INSERT APPROPRIATE SCHEDULE]". Insert the words "the effective fee schedule as adopted by the Village Board."
IFGC Page 7
Section [A] 109
Delete the entire section and replace with "The provisions of Section 8-1-15 of the Village Code shall govern and control the means of appeal."
   G.   The following amendments, deletions, additions and/or modifications are hereby made to the ICC International Swimming Pool and Spa Code, (ICC) 2012.
ISPSC Page 4
Section 105.5.3
Change the first sentence to read: "Every permit issued shall become invalid unless the work authorized by such permit is commenced within 180 days after its issuance, or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the time the work is commenced, or if the work authorized by such permit is not completed within one year of the date of permit issuance.
ISPSC Page 4
Section 105.5.4
Delete the last sentence of this section with no substitution.
ISPSC Page 4
Section 105.6.2
Delete the words "as indicated in the following schedule." and "[JURISDICTION TO INSERT APPROPRIATE SCHEDULE]". Insert the words "the effective fee schedule as adopted by the Village Board."
ISPSC Page 4
Section 105.6.3
Delete the entire section and insert the following: "The Building Official shall authorize the refunding of fees in accordance with the current adoption by the Village Board."
ISPSC Page 6
Section 107.4
Change this section to read as follows: "Any person who shall violate any provision of this code or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, install, alter or repair an aquatic vessel in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the Building Official, or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code, shall be subject to a fine of not less than $200.00 nor more than $750.00 per day. Each day shall constitute a separate offense.
ISPSC Page 6
Section 108
Delete the entire section and replace with "The provisions of Section 8-1-15 of the Village Code shall govern and control the means of appeal."
ISPSC Page 15
Section 305.4
Change the first paragraph to read: "Where a wall of a dwelling or structure serves as part of the barrier, doors that provide direct access to the aquatic vessel through the wall shall be equipped with one or more of the following:"
   H.   The following amendments, deletions, additions and/or modifications are hereby made to the ICC International Fire Code, (ICC) 2012.
IFC Page 2
Section [A] 103
Delete section 103 with no substitution.
IFC Page 4
Section [A] 105.1.1
Delete #1 and change #2 to #1.
IFC Page 12
Section [A] 108
Delete the entire section and replace with "The provisions of Section 8-1-15 of the Village Code shall govern and control the means of appeal."
IFC Page 14
Section [A] 113
Delete this entire section with no substitution.
   I.   The following amendments, deletions, additions and/or modifications are hereby made to the NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, (NFPA) 2011.
NFPA Page 70-50
Article 210.8
Add the following sentence to the "Exception 2 (5)": "Single dedicated receptacles that supply power to sump pumps, battery backup sump pumps and ejector pumps, must be protected by a GFCI receptacle alarm.
NFPA Page 70-51
Article 210-11(A)
Add to the end of the section the following: "The total number of openings for any branch circuit shall not exceed 9 openings for a 15 ampere circuit or 12 openings for a 20 ampere circuit."
NFPA Page 70-52
Article 210-12
Exception to 210-12(B): In circumstances where the Building Official deems that it is not practical to comply with this requirement due to existing conditions, the requirement can be waived, provided every effort is made to comply with the intent of the code.
NFPA Page 70-82
Article 230-43
Add a new number (20) to read: "(20) For overhead service entrance cables on the outside of one and two family dwelling, only items 3, 4 or 5 above are allowed."
NFPA Page 70-82 & 83
Article 230-50
Add a new number seven (7) to read: "(7) for overhead service entrance cables on the outside of one and two family dwellings, only items 1, 2 or 4 above are allowed."
NFPA Page 70-137
Article 300-5(A)
Add a paragraph to the end of the section to read: "Underground installation of an electrical service cannot be located in the same trench with plumbing or gas services(s) unless the minimum distance between utility services located in the same trench, shall be a minimum of twelve (12) inches measured in a horizontal dimension. Utility services located in separate trenches shall be located a minimum of twelve (12) inches apart horizontally.
Exception: Plumbing and electrical systems that are part of a swimming pool installation may be located in the same trench in circumstances where the Building Official determines that it is not practical to comply with the separation requirement.
Add a new number (A-1) to read: "(A-1) Service Location: all location of service entrance equipment shall be at the closest entry point of the principal structure to the electrical utility source. The most direct route along the property lines or within the prescribed easements shall be utilized for the installation of the service lateral. Diagonal installation across the lot is strictly prohibited."
NFPA Page 70-186
Article 320-12
Add a new number (6) to read: "(6) In Occupancy other than one and two family dwellings."
NFPA Page 70-196
Article 334-10
Delete Items (2), (3), and (5) with no substitution.
NFPA Page 70-823
Article 80.15(G)
Delete the entire section and replace with "The provisions of Section 8-1-15 of the Village Code shall govern and control the means of appeal."
(Ord. 2018-02-01, 2-14-2018; amd. Ord. 2023-08-02, 8-21-2023)