The following requirements apply to the administration and enforcement of this building code, other pertinent ordinances, and laws applicable to any regulated building, structure, part, or appurtenance thereof.
A. Application For A Permit:
1. Prior to the commencement of any construction, the property owner or authorized agent of the property owner, shall submit to the building officer for his written approval application(s) for the respective necessary permit(s) on forms provided by building officer.
2. Said application(s) for permit(s) may be amended during the course of work, but any amendment thereto shall be subject to the written approval of the building officer prior to commencement of any construction on the portion of the project so modified.
3. Upon completion of any work pursuant to any permit issued by the building officer, any alterations and/or additions to the subject building(s) or structure(s) shall require application for and approval by the building officer of another permit.
B. Information To Accompany And Be A Part Of Application: The following information and/or material(s) shall accompany the application for any permit pursuant to this chapter:
1. Descriptive material, in drawn and written form, as to location and design of buildings, structures, water supply systems, sewage disposal system, plumbing and electrical installations, as required by the building officer to assure compliance with the rules and regulations of this chapter and the other applicable provisions of the village code.
2. Three (3) copies of plat of a building plot, unless shown on the construction plans, showing existing and proposed buildings, structures, and underground facilities.
3. For construction, alterations, and other work: three (3) copies of construction plans (more if required by building officer), specifications (if needed), tests (if needed), to show compliance with regulations. Scale of plans not less than one- eighth inch to the foot (1/8" = 1').
4. Plans may be waived for minor alterations not involving structural changes and for residential accessory buildings not over seven thousand five hundred (7,500) cubic feet in area, if sufficiently described in application.
5. If any proposed construction includes the use of any truss(es), a truss diagram prepared and stamped by an architect or structural engineer licensed by the state of Illinois must be submitted.
6. Plans for any and all commercial and/or public buildings prepared and stamped by an architect or structural engineer licensed by the state of Illinois must be submitted.
7. Where construction is to occur within one hundred feet (100') of a designated floodplain area, the elevation of the lowest floor (including basement) of proposed building must be shown on the plans submitted to the building officer in relation to the high water elevation. No building floor shall be less than two feet (2') above the applicable high water elevation.
C. Fees: Payment of all applicable required fees must accompany any permit application.
D. Examination Of Application And Plans: Examination of any permit application and accompanying plans shall be made within a reasonable time by or under direction of building officer.
E. Action On Permit After Filing And Examination Of Application: The following action shall be taken within a reasonable time by the building officer, or his designee, on the application for a permit:
1. Permit shall be denied if plans or proposed work do not conform to requirements of this building code, or other applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. Denial with reasons shall be given in writing upon request.
2. If the building officer finds that the proposed work conforms to requirements of this building code and other applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, a permit shall be issued in writing to proceed with work, and one set of the approved plans and specifications, endorsed by building officer, shall be kept on the job site at all times.
3. A permit placard may be furnished with a permit and said placard or the permit itself, shall remain conspicuously posted on the premises during the course of work.
4. Upon completion of the work for which a permit is issued, the property owner and/or the property owner's agent, shall contact the building officer to schedule a final inspection of said work.
5. A certificate of occupancy shall be secured from the building officer before a building is occupied. If a final inspection of the subject property indicates that the work has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and that all construction is in compliance with this building code and said permit, the building officer shall issue the required certificate of occupancy.
6. A temporary occupancy permit may be issued by the building officer for a building or portion thereof if the building officer, at his sole discretion, finds that the condition of the building and the lighting, heating, water supply, sewage disposal, and other sanitary facilities necessary for the occupancy thereof, provide a reasonable degree of safety. Evidence or assurance of reasonably prompt completion shall be furnished by the property owner to the building officer. Said permit may be revoked if the remaining work is not diligently completed in a timely manner.
F. Nonconforming Building Or Structure:
1. Definition: An existing building or structure or part thereof not in conformance with this building code.
2. Any repair work on any nonconforming building or structure requires the submittal to the building officer of a written application for said work, together with any required submittals, and the approval by the building officer of a permit for said work. Said work shall be limited to necessary repairs only unless said building or structure or part thereof is made to conform in whole or part with the requirements of this chapter and any other applicable provisions of the village code and of the village of Lake Villa zoning ordinance.
3. Altering or enlarging of any nonconforming building or structure shall be prohibited unless the proposed alteration or enlargement shall render said building or structure to be a structure conforming with the provisions of this chapter, any other applicable provisions of the village code and of the village of Lake Villa zoning ordinance.
G. Duties And Authority Of Building Officer: The building officer shall:
1. Be responsible for the administration of this building code and other applicable provisions of this chapter and of the village of Lake Villa zoning ordinance.
2. Keep accurate records of the business and work of the building department, including, but not limited to, permit applications, survey plats and building plot plans, all construction plans and specifications, copies of permits and certificates issued, affidavits and certificates received, a record of inspections, copies of notices and orders issued, reports of tests made.
3. Keep any plans and specifications of building(s), structure(s) and/or accessory structure(s) until legal authority for their destruction has been granted. Survey plats and building plot plans, and those parts of plans for other buildings which may be useful for future periodic inspections, shall be kept until legal approval has been granted by the state of Illinois.
4. Make inspections of properties within the village and the structure(s) thereon, and for that purpose is hereby authorized to enter any buildings, structures, and premises within the village for the purpose of making said inspection(s).
5. Issue written stop work orders for any work being done on a premises that is contrary to the building permit issued therefor or this chapter. The building officer, or his designee, shall attempt to post such written stop work order on the premises involved and such stop work order, when posted on the premises, shall not be removed except by order of the building officer. Removal without such order shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
6. Revoke, by writing, a permit or approval issued for plans submitted and/or for work performed contrary to this chapter or based upon a false statement or misrepresentation in the application for same.
H. Hazardous Building Or Construction Condition: Upon written order of the building officer, or his designee, the owner of a property upon which there is a building or structure, or part or appurtenance thereof, or a construction site, the condition of which is found to be unsafe or hazardous for any reason shall take any necessary and lawful action to immediately correct, repair, replace, vacate, demolish or remove said hazardous building, structure, and/or condition and restore and/or put in safe condition the premises and/or work site on the premises within a reasonable period of time, as may be appropriate in each case, when such a finding has been made by the building officer in writing. Written notice of such findings and order shall be given to and/or served upon the property owner or his agent or the respective contractor, and except in emergencies, a hearing on said order may be held before the building officer upon a written request from any aggrieved party.
I. Required Notice For Inspections: The following listed inspections are required. At least twenty four (24) hours in advance of any required inspection, a property owner or his contractor shall contact the building department and request and schedule the designated inspection.
1. Footing And Setback: Inspections shall be made before poles or piers are set or after excavation for foundation or trenches and after forming for spread footings, but prior to placing concrete.
2. Damp Proofing Foundation: Inspection shall be made prior to backfilling of foundation.
3. Drain Tile: Inspection shall be made after drain tile is in place adjacent to footing, covered with #8 wash stone plus protective paper installed over the stone prior to placing any backfill adjacent to the foundation.
4. Rough Carpentry; Framing: Inspection shall be made prior to the application of any interior finish or the installation of any insulation material and before siding, etc., is applied to exteriors of building.
5. Rough Masonry: When walls are approximately one-third (1/3) up in height the ties and weep holes shall be inspected and approved by the building officer, or his designee. Where lintels are involved, the size and installation of such lintels shall be inspected and approved by the building officer, or his designee.
6. Rough Electrical: Inspection shall be made when electrical is completely roughed in and before insulation or any other materials are applied to walls or ceilings. (If partial inspection is wanted, it should be stated so.)
7. Rough Electrical In Concrete Slab: Inspection shall be made prior to the placing of concrete.
8. Rough Plumbing: Inspection shall be made when the plumbing is completely roughed in and before floor insulation or any other material if applied to walls or ceiling. (If partial inspection is wanted, it should be stated so.)
9. Rough Plumbing In Concrete Slab: Inspections shall be made prior to the placing of concrete.
10. Rough Heating And Air Conditioning: Inspection shall be made when heating or air conditioning is completely roughed in and before insulation or any other material is applied to walls or ceilings. (If partial inspection is wanted, it should be stated so.)
11. Other Inspections: In addition to the above stated inspections, the building department may make or require any other inspections to ascertain compliance with this building code and other applicable laws, rules and regulations.
12. Final Inspection (Certificate Of Occupancy): Shall be made after building is completed and ready for occupancy.
A certificate of occupancy, which shall be secured before a building is permanently occupied, is to be issued by the building officer when an inspection following the completion of the work shows that all construction is in compliance with this chapter, and any other applicable laws, rules and regulations, and the building permit which was issued therefor. A temporary occupancy permit may be issued for a building or a portion thereof if it is found that the condition of the building and the lighting, heating, water supply, sewage disposal, and other sanitary facilities necessary for the occupancy thereof provide a reasonable degree of safety and comfort. Evidence or assurance of reasonably prompt completion shall be furnished by the property owner to the building officer. Said permit may be revoked if the remaining work is not diligently completed in a timely manner.
Work shall not be done on any part of any building, structure, and/or premises beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the written approval of the building officer, or his designee. Such written approval shall be given only after an inspection has been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required above. This approval shall take the form of the inspector's initials on the permit card posted on the premises.
J. Inspection Of Component Parts Of Prefabricated Structures: No closed wall construction shall be allowed. In order to permit the use of component parts in a structure erected on a site in the village which component parts are manufactured or fabricated at an off site location in such a manner as to comply fully with requirements of this chapter and the applicable provisions of the village code, but which arrive at the site of erection having inside wall covering already installed and, thus, rendering inspection thereof impossible or difficult, then, in such cases the inspection required by this chapter at the time after the building is framed, roofed, and rough wiring and plumbing installed, but before any inside wall is installed, will be waived if the following conditions are first satisfied and the village board of trustees have given their written approval of the product:
1. Each manufacturer or manufacturer's representative shall arrange, at his expense, for the inspection by the building officer, or his designee, of the factory process involved in the fabrication of a typical model intended for sale and construction in the area under the jurisdiction of the building officer. It is necessary that this representative be afforded the opportunity of following the construction of a unit in detail as it passes through the various stages of manufacture.
2. Applicants for permits for construction shall state the name of the general contractor or other individual who is wholly responsible for the conduct of construction on the site.
3. A "master plan" for each model must be filed with the building officer incorporating all off site constructed aspects of the structure as well as its final site assembly down to the foundation.
4. The foundation plan shall include all work to be performed in the basement or crawl space area and not be limited to only those items provided by the modular home manufacturer. Additionally, this plan is not to be a "typical" foundation plan, but rather one prepared for the particular site to be occupied by the home.
5. All provisions of this chapter, as well as any other applicable laws, rules, and regulations shall be applicable to such prefabricated construction.
6. Each residential unit shall be constructed with a minimum of one frost proof hose bib conveniently located on the exterior of house. A complete plumbing riser diagram for both supply and drain waste and vent in isometric on the plans shall be provided to the building officer. This diagram must indicate sizes and materials.
7. A photographic record showing electrical and plumbing details shall be provided to the building officer.
8. The building officer shall be contacted at least twenty four (24) hours in advance of the arrival of a modular unit at any construction site, and at that time detailed information regarding setting schedule shall also be provided to the building officer, or his designee.
9. A certificate of approval by an applicable approving agency shall be furnished with each prefabricated assembly, except where all elements of the assembly are readily accessible to inspection at the site. Placement of the prefabricated assemblies at the building site shall be inspected by the building officer to determine compliance with this chapter in all its aspects, and a final inspection shall be provided in accordance with subsection J11 of this section.
10. The contractor or other individual obtaining the permit for the transportation into the village and the erection and/or installation of a prefabricated unit will be held responsible once the unit arrives in the village for its total disposition including the arrangement for its immediate removal from the right of way once the unit arrives at the site. It is incumbent upon this individual to make adequate arrangements with the manufacturer and/or carrier to assure that roads and other property are not damaged while the unit is in transit through the village to the site, and further make arrangements for the immediate disposition of the unit at the construction site.
11. Every prefabricated residential unit shall have a state of Illinois certification approval, a copy of which must be presented/provided to the building officer before any occupancy of said structure. In all cases, the village board of trustees must approve the residential unit before an occupancy permit is issued.
K. Alternate Materials: The provisions of this chapter are not intended to prevent the use of any material or method of construction not specifically prescribed by this chapter, provided any such alternate materials and/or method has been approved in writing by the building officer, or his designee, prior to the commencement of any construction. The building officer may approve any such alternate materials and/or method provided he finds that the proposed design is satisfactory and complies with the accepted design criteria. The building officer may require that evidence or proof be submitted to substantiate any claims that may be made regarding its use. (Ord. 2008-09-01, 9-24-2008)