A. Number Required: All houses fronting on the public thoroughfares within the village shall be numbered in conformity with the following plan:
On all thoroughfares running easterly and westerly, the even numbers shall be on the north side and the odd numbers on the south side.
On all thoroughfares running northerly and southerly, the even numbers shall be on the west side and the odd numbers on the east side.
B. Baselines: Section line running north and south between section 32-33 shall be the base of dividing line for numbering houses fronting on any thoroughfares running northerly and southerly, and Grand Avenue shall be the base or dividing line for numbering houses fronting on any thoroughfare running easterly and westerly.
C. Standard Frontage For Numbers: The standard frontage for each number shall be thirteen and two-tenths feet (13.2') on all streets running at such an angle that they would intercept either base if extended, but not extending to the same. The same order of numbers shall be observed as though such street extended to the base or dividing line.
D. Placing Of Numbers: Each of the figures of every number shall be not less than three inches (3") in length, being so marked as to be distinguishable and easily read; said numbers shall be placed in a conspicuous place on the front side of or above the front door of the building.
E. Numbers Required: It shall be the duty of the owner of each building now constructed or each new building in said village to ascertain from the office of the village clerk the correct number to be placed upon his building and to place such number within thirty (30) days after the adoption of this chapter or within sixty (60) days after the completion of the building in case of new buildings.
F. Village Clerk To Keep Plat: It shall be the duty of the village clerk to enter upon a plat kept in his office the numbers authorized from time to time on all buildings, placed upon the lot for which such number shall have been issued.
G. Settlement Of Disputes: In case duplicate number is placed on any single street or block using the decimal system of not more than one hundred (100) numbers to each block, and the controversy shall arise with regard thereto, or any controversies in respect to the number on various residences, the village clerk is hereby vested with power to direct each of those involved as to the proper number for their respective buildings. Any person failing to comply with the directions as to number given by the village clerk shall be deemed to have violated this chapter. (Ord. 2008-09-01, 9-24-2008)