A. Permits Required: Except as provided by the Residential Registration Program established by the Village and described in detail in section 8-1-7, it is hereby required that any and all applicable permits be obtained in advance and all other requirements of the Lake Villa building code be complied with whenever a building or structure, or parts or appurtenances thereof, such as water supply, sewage disposal, plumbing installation, electrical installation, and heating equipment, located within the limits of the village and regulated by this chapter, is erected, installed, altered, converted, remodeled, reroofed, structurally repaired, moved, or changed.
B. Maintenance Required: All building(s) and/or structure(s) within the village, and parts and appurtenances thereof, both existing and hereafter constructed, erected, installed, altered, maintained, and/or repaired shall be constructed, erected, installed, altered, maintained, and/or repaired in compliance with this chapter, with section 8-4-6, “Property Maintenance Code; Adoption,” of chapter 4, “Other Building Codes Adopted,” and the other applicable provisions of the village code so that the occupants and users thereof and others are reasonably safe from the hazards of fire, explosion, collapse, contagion and spread of infectious disease. If said building(s) and/or structure(s) are not so maintained, the respective owner(s) and occupants of such building and/or structure may be ordered by the Building Officer or by a court of competent jurisdiction and required to demolish and remove said building(s) and/or structure(s).
C. Scope: These rules and regulations set forth requirements which are considered reasonable and are held in every instance to be the minimum for the promotion of public health, safety, and general welfare.
D. Requirements: No building permit shall be issued or residential registration allowed as required by this chapter and/or the other applicable provisions of this Village Code for any building or other structure to be constructed on any lot, parcel or tract of land, or on any portion thereof, that does not conform with provisions of the plat act in force from time to time, and the subdivision regulations and requirements of the Lake County Health Department or the applicable regulations of other agencies concerning sewage disposal and water supply and other applicable Village ordinances, including, but not limited to, the Village of Lake Villa zoning ordinance, as amended from time to time.
E. Intent: It is the intent of this section to minimize the disruptive effect building activity has on neighboring properties and residents and to minimize the aesthetically displeasing nature of building activity by requiring completion of construction within reasonable periods of time.
1. As to principal structures, a building permit shall expire two (2) years from the date of issuance. In the event that the structure has not been completed and a certificate of occupancy issued by that date, a renewal building permit, which shall expire six (6) months after date of issuance, must be secured, provided, however, for good cause shown, or if the building officer determines that the exterior of the structure is substantially complete, including siding and trim work, so as to not constitute an eyesore, the expiration date of the original building permit may be extended six (6) months by the building officer. The fee for a renewal permit shall be equal to fifty percent (50%) of the original permit cost.
2. As to all permits for nonprincipal structures and all Residential Registration Program work, such as, but not limited to, freestanding garages or sheds, the building permit or residential registration, as the case may be, shall expire one (1) year from date of issuance. In the event that the structure has not been completed and a certificate of occupancy issued by that date, where applicable, a renewal building permit, or renewal residential registration, which shall expire three (3) months after date of issuance or the date of registration of the work, must be secured, provided, however, for good cause shown, the expiration date of the original building permit or residential registration may be extended three (3) additional months by the Building Officer. The fee for a renewal permit or renewal residential registration shall be equal to fifty percent (50%) of the original permit or residential registration cost.
3. As to nonprincipal structures, for all building permits which have been previously issued for construction or work prior to the effective date of this section, which have not been completed and certificates of occupancy for completion issued, the work which is the subject of said permits, shall be completed within six (6) months from the effective date of this section.
4. The failure to complete a structure for which a permit shall have been secured or a residential registration filed with the Village within the time permitted by the original building permit or the original residential registration as it may have been extended or renewed, or otherwise set forth in this section, shall constitute a violation of this section and subject the permittee, upon conviction, to a mandatory fine of not less than two hundred dollars ($200.00) nor more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) per day for each day the structure is not completed after the permit lapses, until the building or other structure is demolished or a certificate of occupancy or completion is issued for the structure. In the alternative to demolishing an incomplete structure, the permittee may apply for a penalty building permit or residential registration to complete the structure within ninety (90) days, but the fee for a penalty permit or a penalty residential registration shall be equal to three hundred percent (300%) of the original permit or residential registration fee. Upon the issuance of a penalty permit or the allowing of a penalty residential registration, the daily fine shall not apply for the duration of the penalty building permit.
F. Notwithstanding the above requirements of this section for building permits, in lieu of the building permit otherwise required by this title 8, certain work as described in section 8-1-7 of this Village Code shall be subject to the requirements of the Residential Registration Program as described in detail in section 8-1-7 of this chapter. (Ord. 2008-09-01, 9-24-2008; amd. Ord. 2019-11-01, 11-18-2019)