The Lake Villa police department shall maintain a "rotation tow list" as defined in section 7-6-1 of this chapter. Any person, firm, and/or corporation desiring to perform towing and/or vehicle impound work at the request of the police department shall obtain from the police department, complete, and submit to the chief of police an "application for rotation tow list" for consideration and approval for placement on the village's rotation tow list. Such applications will be accepted by the chief of police between January 1 and December 1 of each year. By submitting an application to be placed on the village's rotation tow list, the applicant agrees to and shall comply with the provisions of this chapter as well as the other applicable village ordinances and the rules and regulations of the applicable governmental agencies. The rotation tow list established by the police department will be in effect on an annual basis from January 1 to December 31 of each year. An approved tow operator currently on the rotation tow list who wishes to reapply for placement on the list for the next year must submit to the chief of police, between January 1 and December 1 of the preceding year, a letter of intent, which letter must include all information that is changed or different from the information submitted on the tow operator's original application, and supply to the police department a new certificate of insurance that complies with the provisions of section 7-6-4 of this chapter, as may be amended from time to time. There will be no less than two (2) nor more than four (4) tow operators maintained on the rotation tow list at any given time except in cases when a tow operator may be removed temporarily from the list as defined in section 7-6-9 of this chapter. Applications shall include the following information:
   A.   Name of tow operator;
   B.   Business and home address;
   C.   Business and home phone numbers;
   D.   The name of the firm under which the tow operator will operate;
   E.   The location, size and security features of the storage lot on which the towed vehicles will be stored;
   F.   The location to which the public must come to claim stored or impounded vehicles;
   G.   A statement of willingness to provide full service to the police department on a twenty four (24) hour a day basis each day of the year;
   H.   A list of towing equipment and its size and capacity;
   I.   Certificate of insurance as required by this chapter;
   J.   Carriers, agents, and subcontractors that the owner would place into effect upon approval;
   K.   A description of the communication system to be used on each tow truck and at the office where calls are received;
   L.   A disclosure of ownership statement; and
   M.   Equal employment opportunity statement. (Ord. 2008-10-02, 10-22-2008)