A. Definitions:
MOTOR VEHICLE: Every form or type of vehicle which is self-propelled.
OPERATES: To ride in or on other than as a passenger, use or control of a motor vehicle in any manner whether or not the motor vehicle is under way.
WATERS OF LAKE VILLA: Any water within the jurisdiction of Lake Villa, Illinois.
B. Prohibition: No person shall drive, operate or park any motor vehicle upon any frozen water located within the village.
C. Exception: Motor vehicles properly registered by the Illinois department of conservation, under the Illinois boating registration and safety act and properly registered snowmobiles shall be excluded from the requirements of this section. (Ord. 78-2-2, 2-22-1978)
Appropriate signs shall be posted to show all through, stop, and yield right of way streets; all one-way streets and alleys; and all stop intersections; and right-turn in, right-turn out intersections.
A. Through Streets: The streets and parts of streets of the village designated by ordinance as through streets are hereby declared to be through streets. The driver of a vehicle shall stop at the entrance to a through street and shall yield the right of way to other vehicles which have entered the intersection or which are approaching so close on a through street as to constitute an immediate hazard unless directed otherwise by the traffic officer or a traffic control signal.
B. One-Way Streets Or Alleys: It shall be unlawful to operate any vehicle on any streets or alleys designated as one-way streets or alleys by ordinance, in any direction other than that so designated.
Upon a roadway designated and signposted for one-way traffic a vehicle shall be driven only in the direction designated.
A vehicle passing around a rotary traffic island shall be driven on the right of such island.
C. Stop Streets: Except when directed to proceed by a police officer or traffic control signal, every driver of a vehicle approaching a stop intersection indicated by a stop sign shall stop at a clearly marked stop line, but if none, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection, or if none, then at the point nearest the intersecting roadway where the driver has a view of approaching traffic on the intersecting roadway before entering the intersection. After having stopped, the driver shall yield the right of way to any vehicle which has entered the intersection from another roadway or which is approaching so closely on the roadway as to constitute an immediate hazard during the time when the driver is moving across or within the intersection, but said driver having so yielded may proceed at such time as a safe interval occurs.
The stop sign intersections are as follows:
1. One-way stops:
| Direction
| Intersecting Street Or Location
| Direction
| Intersecting Street Or Location
Amber Lane | Southbound | Monaville Road |
Apache Trail | Westbound | Fairfield Road |
Apache Trail | Westbound | Nez Perce Lane |
Arapaho Trail | Eastbound | Shoshoni Trail |
Arapaho Trail | Northbound | Shoshoni Trail |
Balsam Avenue | Northbound | Coventry Cove Lane |
Baxter Lane | Northbound | Benton Lane |
Baxter Lane | Southbound | Winchester Lane |
Belmont Avenue | Westbound | McKinley Avenue |
Beverly Drive | Northbound | 1157-1200 Beverly Drive |
Beverly Drive | Southbound | 1157-1200 Beverly Drive |
Blackstone Court | Eastbound | Painted Lakes Boulevard |
Breeze Drive | Northbound | Southwind Drive at both such intersections |
Breeze Drive | Northbound | Winddance Drive |
Brooking Court | Eastbound | Painted Lakes Boulevard |
Burnett Avenue | Eastbound | Milwaukee Avenue (Route 83) |
Carlyle Court | Eastbound | Painted Lakes Boulevard |
Cedar Avenue | Eastbound | Route 83 |
Cedar Avenue | Southbound | Grand Avenue |
Cedar Lake Avenue | Eastbound | Frontage Road |
Central Avenue | Southbound | Grand Avenue |
Charlton Court | Southbound | Hampton Drive |
Charlton Road | Westbound | Hampton Drive |
Chelsea Circle | Southbound | Coventry Cove Lane |
Cherokee Court | Eastbound | Nez Perce Lane |
Clearview Lane | Eastbound | Painted Lakes Boulevard |
Clearview Lane | Westbound | Benton Road |
Cleveland Avenue | Southbound | Grand Avenue |
Coventry Cove Lane | Eastbound | McKinley Avenue |
Cremin Drive | Northbound | Grand Avenue |
Evan Lane | Northwestbound | Spring Farm Road |
Farmhill Court | Westbound | Farmhill Lane |
Farmhill Lane | Southbound | Monaville Road |
Fieldstone Drive | Northbound | Briar Ridge Lane |
Fieldstone Drive | Westbound | Savanna Springs |
Grace Lane | Westbound | Majestic Avenue |
Hampton Drive | Westbound | Route 83 |
Hubbard Lane | Eastbound | Painted Lakes Boulevard |
Hubbard Lane | Westbound | Benton Road |
Huntington Circle | Southbound | Charlton Road |
Juniper Way | Eastbound | McKinley Avenue |
Juniper Way | Westbound | McKinley Avenue |
Juniper Way | Westbound | Pine View Pass |
Kenz Drive | Westbound | Cremin Drive |
Kevin Avenue | Northbound | Wesley Avenue |
Lake Avenue | Eastbound | Route 83 |
Landen Lane | Northeastbound | Evan Lane |
Landen Lane | Southwestbound | Longwood Drive |
Laurie Court | Westbound | Walden Lane |
Majestic Avenue | Southbound | Amber Lane |
McKenzie Court | Eastbound | Painted Lakes Boulevard |
McKinley Avenue | Northbound | Grand Avenue |
McKinley Avenue | Southbound | Red Spruce Trail |
Meadowview Court | Southbound | Winddance Drive |
Nez Perce Lane | Southbound | Apache Trail |
North Shore Drive | Eastbound | Frontage Road |
Northwind Avenue | Southbound | Winddance Drive |
Northwind Drive | Southbound | Winddance Drive |
Oak Knoll Drive | Northbound | Grand Avenue |
Oak Lane | Northbound | Grand Avenue |
Oakton Lane | Westbound | Savanna Springs |
Oakwood Lane | Eastbound | Oak Knoll Drive |
Overlook Court | Northbound | Winddance Drive |
Painted Lakes Boulevard | Eastbound | Deep Lake Road |
Painted Lakes Court | Northbound | Sun Lake Road |
Park Avenue | Eastbound | Route 83 |
Park Avenue | Northbound | Grand Avenue |
Rae Avenue | Westbound | West Park Avenue |
Railroad Avenue | Northbound | Cedar Avenue |
Railroad Avenue | Southbound | Grand Avenue |
Red Spruce Trail | Northbound | White Pine Lane |
Rushing Court | Southbound | Sun Lake Road |
Savanna Springs | Southbound | Monaville Road |
Sheehan Drive | Northbound | Grand Avenue |
Sherwood Avenue | Southbound | Burnett Avenue |
Sherwood Lane | Northbound | Grand Avenue |
Shoshoni Trail | Southbound | Grand Avenue |
Southwind Court | Northbound | Southwind Drive |
Southwind Drive | Northbound | Winddance Drive |
Spring Farm Road | Southwestbound | Longwood Drive |
Summit Court | Southbound | Savanna Springs |
Sun Lake Court | Southbound | Sun Lake Road |
Tall Grass Lane | Northbound | Briar Ridge Lane |
Twin Oaks Drive | Westbound | West Park Avenue |
Villa Avenue | Westbound | Central Avenue |
Waterbury Circle | Southbound | Coventry Cove Lane |
Wesley Avenue | Eastbound | McKinley Avenue |
Winchester Lane | Northbound | Benton Lane |
Winddance Court | Southbound | Winddance Drive |
Winddance Drive | Eastbound | Savanna Springs |
Winddance Drive | Westbound | Cedar Lake Road |
Woodhead Drive | Southbound | Grand Avenue |
Woodhill Court | Southbound | Woodhill Lane |
Woodhill Lane | Eastbound | Farmhill Lane |
2. Two-way stops:
Street | Direction
| Intersecting Street
Street | Direction
| Intersecting Street
Amherst Drive | Northbound, Southbound | Charlton Road |
Benton Road | Eastbound, Westbound | Painted Lakes Boulevard |
Burnett Avenue | Eastbound, Westbound | McKinley Avenue |
Central Avenue | Northbound | Cedar Avenue |
Indian Ridge Lane | Westbound | Tall Grass and Indian Ridge Lane |
Juniper Way | Eastbound, Westbound | McKinley Avenue |
Lake Avenue | Westbound | Cedar Avenue |
Northwind Drive | Eastbound | Northwind Drive |
Southbound | Northwind Avenue | |
Northwind Lane | Eastbound | Northwind Drive |
Southbound | Northwind Avenue | |
Oakton Lane | Eastbound, Westbound | Fieldstone Drive |
Painted Lakes Boulevard | Northbound, Southbound | Sun Lake Road and Painted Lakes Boulevard |
Red Spruce Trail | Eastbound, Westbound | McKinley Avenue |
Tall Grass Lane | Southbound | Tall Grass Lane and Indian Ridge Lane |
White Pine Lane | Eastbound, Westbound | McKinley Avenue |
3. Three-way stops:
Intersecting Streets
| Direction
Benton Road and Clearview Lane | All |
Kevin Avenue and McKinley Avenue | All |
Painted Lakes Boulevard and Sun Lake Road (north end) | All |
Savanna Springs Drive and Oakton Lane | All |
Savanna Springs Drive and Winddance Drive | All |
Spring Farm Road and Painted Lakes Boulevard | All |
4. Four-way stops:
Intersecting Streets
| Direction
Balsam Avenue and McKinley Avenue | All |
Balsam Court and McKinley Avenue | All |
Painted Lakes Boulevard and Benton Road | All |
Park Avenue and Burnett Avenue | All |
5. Metra station: All intersections where stop sign(s) is/are posted.
D. Yield Streets: Any street designated by ordinance as a yield right of way street and so posted is hereby declared to be a yield right of way street.
The driver of a vehicle in obedience to a yield right of way sign shall reduce the speed of his vehicle to not more than twenty (20) miles per hour and shall yield the right of way to other vehicles which have entered the intersecting street either from the right or left or which are approaching so closely on such intersection as to constitute a hazard; but said driver having so yielded may proceed at such time as a safe interval occurs.
If a driver is involved in a collision at an intersection or interferes with the movement of other vehicles after driving past a yield right of way sign, such collision shall be deemed prima facie evidence of the driver's failure to yield right of way.
E. Right-In, Right-Out Intersections:
1. At the intersection of East Burnett Avenue and Milwaukee Avenue (Route 83), vehicle movements from Milwaukee Avenue (Route 83) onto Burnett Avenue shall be limited to right-turns only and vehicle movements from Burnett Avenue onto Milwaukee Avenue (Route 83) shall be limited to right-turns only. (Ord. 70-2-1, 2-2-1970; Ord. 97-4-1, 4-9-1997; Ord. 2003-08-03, 8-27-2003; Ord. 2004-12-03, 12-22-2004; Ord. 2005-09-04, 9-28-2005; Ord. 2024-01-03, 1-8-2024)
A. Operations Restricted:
1. Public Property: It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, drive or ride on any minibike, go-cart and other similarly operated motor driven vehicle (exclusive of motorcycles) on any public street, alley or thoroughfare, or upon the publicly owned property.
2. Private Property: It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, drive or ride on any minibike, go-cart or motorcycle on privately owned property without first having obtained the written permission of the owner of said property.
B. Regulations: It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a minibike, go-cart or motorcycle anywhere within the corporate limits of the village:
1. In such a manner so as to create a loud, unnecessary or unusual noise so as to disturb or interfere with the peace and quiet of other persons;
2. In a careless, reckless or negligent manner so as to endanger the safety of any person or the property of any persons;
3. Without having first complied with all of the requirements under 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes relating to required equipment on said vehicles, such as lights, horns, mufflers, brakes, licenses and like regulations. (Ord. 86-6-3, 6-11-1986)
C. Liability Of Operator, Parent:
1. Any parent or legal guardian of an unemancipated minor who resides with such parent or legal guardian is jointly and severally liable together with such minor for any violation of any of the terms or provisions of this chapter by such minor operator.
2. Any parent or legal guardian of an unemancipated minor operator who resides with such parent or legal guardian shall be found liable for actual damages for the wilful or malicious acts of such minor which caused injury to any person or property of any person, as provided for in statutes in this case made and provided in 740 Illinois Compiled Statutes entitled "injuries". (Ord. 2013-07-02, 7-24-2013)