A.   General:
      1.   Conformity To Plans: All subdivisions shall conform to these subdivision regulations, the village of Lake Villa zoning ordinance, all applicable regulations relative to public improvements, and to all other applicable ordinances, resolutions and plans of the village and/or such other applicable state or federal agency having jurisdiction thereof.
      2.   Natural Features: In all subdivisions due regard shall be given to the preservation of natural features such as large trees, water sources, historical and similar community assets, which, if preserved, will add attractiveness and value to the property.
   B.   Streets:
      1.   Layout: The layout of streets in a subdivision plan shall conform to existing regulations and policies and shall be based on thorough consideration of:
         a.   Topography and drainage,
         b.   Public convenience and safety,
         c.   Existing street pattern,
         d.   Future circulation needs of nearby lands,
         e.   Proposed uses of the land being subdivided,
         f.   Need for extending streets to the property lines of the tract being subdivided to provide access to abutting properties.
      2.   Rights Of Way: Except as otherwise approved by the corporate authorities of the village, street right of way widths shall comply with the following table:
Street highways
120 - 150 feet
Major county highways
100 - 120 feet
Other county or township highways
80 feet
Primary thoroughfares
72 - 80 feet
Secondary thoroughfares
66 feet
Minor streets
60 feet
Marginal access streets
40 feet
Alleys, commercial or industrial
30 feet
Alleys, residential
20 feet
      3.   Minor Streets: Minor streets shall be so designed as to discourage high speed, or through traffic.
      4.   Boundary Streets: Streets shall not be laid out on the boundary of a subdivision. Exceptions to this may be permitted where the enforcement officer finds that such streets are desirable for further expansion or where such streets will conform to the existing street system.
      5.   Intersections: Street intersections with primary thoroughfares shall be limited to not more than one per quarter mile unless topographic and physical conditions require a lesser distance. Street intersections shall be at right angles. Where unusual conditions exist, the plat officer may permit intersections of less than ninety degrees (90°) but not less than sixty degrees (60°). In all cases street intersections and junctions shall be laid out so as to facilitate the safe flow of traffic. In no case shall two (2) junctions be offset less than one hundred twenty five feet (125').
      6.   Cul-De-Sacs: Cul-de-sacs shall be not more than five hundred feet (500') in length measured along the centerline from the centerline of the street of origin to the center of the turnaround, and each shall have a terminus generally circular in shape, with a diameter of one hundred twenty feet (120') and a center on, or within thirty feet (30') of, the cul-de-sac centerline.
      7.   Marginal Access Streets: Wherever a subdivision borders on or contains the right of way of a limited access highway, a railroad or a utility right of way, a street may be required approximately parallel to, and on either side of, such right of way for a distance suitable to service such uses as front thereon.
      8.   Half Streets: Half streets shall not be permitted except to complete an existing half street which is dedicated and accepted.
      9.   Reserve Strips: Reserve ("spite" or "devil") strips controlling access to streets shall not be permitted. Streets roughly paralleling the subdivision boundary shall be located either on that boundary or not less than one lot depth from said boundary. All streets intended to provide the subdivision with future means of ingress and egress shall extend to the subdivision boundary.
   C.   Blocks:
      1.   Design: The length, width and shape of blocks shall be determined with due regard for the following:
         a.   Provision of adequate building sites suitable to the special needs of the types of use contemplated;
         b.   Zoning requirements as to lot size and dimensions;
         c.   Needs for convenient access, circulation, control and safety of street traffic;
         d.   Limitations and opportunities of topography.
      2.   Length: No block shall exceed one thousand four hundred feet (1,400') in length except where required by unusual topographic conditions, nor shall they be less than four hundred feet (400') in length.
      3.   Crosswalks: Where blocks exceed eight hundred feet (800') in length, or where orientation of pedestrian and/or bicycle circulation requirements indicate, crosswalks may be required. Such crosswalks shall be not less than twenty feet (20') in width.
   D.   Lots:
      1.   Dimensions: Lot dimensions and area shall be not less than the requirements of the Lake Villa zoning ordinance.
      2.   Frontage: All lots shall front directly on an improved public street. Lots adjoining expressways and major thoroughfares shall be provided with marginal access streets or front on an interior street. Lots shall have a width at the street right of way line and rear lot line not less than the sum of the side yards as provided in the village's zoning ordinance. An indication shall appear on the final plat where access is prohibited.
      3.   Lot Lines: Side lot lines shall be at right angles or radial to the street line or substantially so.
      4.   Deep Lots: Lots abutting an expressway, or major thoroughfare, a railroad, utility right of way or other inharmonious use shall have a width or a depth of twenty feet (20') in excess of the typical interior lot in the same subdivision. A planting screen easement, across which there shall be no right of access, may be required on such deep lots.
      5.   Corner Lots: Corner lots for residential use shall have sufficient extra width to permit appropriate building setback from, and orientation to, both streets. A minimum side yard restriction of ten feet (10') shall be shown on all lots adjoining a pedestrianway.
      6.   Building Sites: Every lot shall contain a suitable building site. In zones providing for a lot area of forty thousand (40,000) square feet or more, twenty five percent (25%) of the lot area therein may consist of uninhabitable lands, marshes or floodplain. However, where part of a lot may become subject to flooding, minimum floor elevation shall be required.
   E.   Easements:
      1.   Utility Easements:
         a.   Easements shall be provided for utility service. They shall be ten feet (10') wide and be established where practicable at the rear of each lot and along such other lot lines as to provide continuity of alignment from block to block.
         b.   All utility distribution lines for telephone and electric service shall be installed underground within easements and dedicated public ways. All transformer boxes shall be located so as not to be unsightly or hazardous to the public. The installation of such facilities shall be made in compliance with applicable orders, rules and regulations of the Illinois commerce commission now or hereafter effective, and the owner or subdivider of any property to be served from such underground installations shall be responsible for compliance with the rules and regulations, now or hereafter effective and filed with said commission pursuant to the Illinois public utilities act of any public utility whose services will be required with respect to the provision of such underground facility.
      2.   Drainage Easements: When a subdivision is traversed by an established stream, established drainageway or channel, there shall be provided a stormwater easement or drainage right of way conforming substantially with the course of same. The location, width, alignment and improvement of such easement shall be subject to the approval of the plan commission provided that such easement shall be not less than twenty feet (20') in width. Where ditch drainage is used in lieu of storm sewers, as may be permitted herein, the easement shall be of sufficient width to allow future construction of a storm sewer main adequate to carry the ultimate runoff of the watershed as determined by current hydrological records. The area of any public way immediately adjacent to the ditch shall be taken into consideration. (Ord. 2015-03-02, 3-11-2015)