A.   Stages And Specifications: All subdivision plats shall be processed in three (3) stages leading to approval for recording, except that the second stage may be waived in the case of minor subdivisions. The three (3) stages are the concept phase, the preliminary phase and the final phase. All of these phases will comply with the plan review procedures and submission requirements on file with the village clerk.
      1.   The Concept Plan: A concept plan, submitted by the developer to the plan commission at a conference, is intended to familiarize the developer with requirements; eliminate, wherever possible, major revisions of the preliminary plat; and classify the subdivision as "major" or "minor". If the plan commission determines it appropriate, the concept plan shall also be reviewed and approved by the village planner. Those classified as "minor subdivisions" may proceed directly to the third or final plat stage.
Prior to the conference the developer shall submit to the enforcement officer the following:
         a.   A Concept Plan: The subdivider's site concept plan shall show:
            (1)   Boundaries of the property to be subdivided;
            (2)   Land characteristics such as natural drainage, swamp areas, wooded areas, and ridges;
            (3)   Development characteristics such as surrounding streets, existing structures and available utilities;
            (4)   Proposed layout of streets, blocks and lots;
            (5)   Proposed location of business, park and other nonresidential areas;
            (6)   Existing easements and covenants affecting the property.
         b.   A Location Sketch: The subdivider's location sketch shall show the relationship of the proposed subdivision to traffic arteries, public transportation, municipal utilities, schools and churches.
      2.   The Preliminary Plat Or Plan: The preliminary plat or plan is a drawing, when necessary, accompanied by special engineering drawings, on which final adherence to design standards is based. This plat or plan shall show the lot and street configuration, as well as the proposed landscape improvements, and shall conform with the agreements reached in the concept plan conference.
The plat or plan shall be submitted to the plan commission at a regular monthly meeting, together with a transmittal letter and all applicable fees.
The plat or plan, and all other supporting documents, shall be submitted in ten (10) copies, and shall be drawn at a scale of one inch to one hundred feet (1" = 100'), unless a different scale is approved at the concept plan conference. This plat or plan shall show, or be accompanied by the following information:
         a.   Title And Certificate: Name under which the proposed subdivision is to be recorded, location and position by quarter- quarter section, section, township, range, meridian, county and state; names and addresses of subdividers; graphic scale, north arrow; and the following certificate:
State of Illinois, County of Lake, village of Lake Villa Approved by           , Village Plat Officer This (        ) day of         , A.D.           
         b.   Description Of Existing Conditions:
            (1)   Boundary Lines: Complete survey data such as angles, bearings, dimensions, curve data, etc., shall be shown for the exterior lines of the subdivision. The error of linear closure of said boundary survey shall be not greater than one in five thousand (5,000).
            (2)   Easements: Location, width, and purpose of easements and other existing restrictions, reservations, or covenants.
            (3)   Streets: Name, location, right of way width; also curbs, gutters, culverts, sidewalks and building setback lines.
            (4)   Utilities: Location and size of sanitary and storm sewers; fire hydrants; location and size of water mains; location of gas lines, electric and telephone lines. (If water mains and sewers are not on, or adjacent to the tract, indicate the distance and direction to, and the size of, the nearest ones.)
            (5)   Elevations: For land that slopes less than two percent (2%) show spot elevations at all breaks in grade, along all drainage channels or swales, and at selected points not more than one hundred feet (100') apart in all directions. For land that slopes two percent (2%) or more, contours with a vertical interval of not more than two feet (2') shall be shown. Elevations shall be U.S. geological survey datum; however, contours shall not be taken from USGS maps.
            (6)   Physical Conditions: The water elevation at the date of survey of adjoining lakes, watercourses, marshes and bogs, and areas subject to inundation, and a graphic representation and notation of the high water marks of such; wooded areas and isolated preservable trees one foot (1') or more in diameter.
            (7)   Manmade Features: Houses, barns, and other structures; other constructed features.
            (8)   Conditions On Adjacent Land: All of the requirements of plat preparation shall apply equally to the site being subdivided and to all land within five hundred feet (500') of its boundaries, waiving accuracy requirements as to scale of features but not as to boundary lines.
            (9)   Location Map: A drawing, one thousand feet (1,000') to five thousand feet (5,000') per inch, of the township in which the subdivision is situated, showing the location of the subdivision, and indicating its relationship to traffic arteries, community facilities, railroads, and other nonresidential land uses or adverse influence within a radius of two (2) miles.
            (10)   Proposed Public Improvements: Highways or other major improvements planned by public authorities for future construction on or near the tract, according to the information received from the plan commission at the sketch plan conference.
            (11)   Subsurface Conditions: Depth of groundwater unless test pits are dry at a depth of eight feet (8'); location and results of any tests made to ascertain subsurface soil and rock conditions.
            (12)   Percolation Tests: Percolation tests data shall be submitted for all subdivisions to be served by individual sewage disposal systems.
            (13)   Application Form: Preliminary plan application form.
            (14)   Site Capacity Calculations: Site capacity calculations.
            (15)   Natural Resources: Lake County natural resources opinion.
            (16)   Endangered Species Report: Illinois department of commerce, endangered species report (if required by another agency).
            (17)   Archaeological Survey: Archaeological survey (if required by other agency).
            (18)   Phase One Environmental Audit: Phase one environmental audit (if required or otherwise available). At the election of the subdivider, this item may be deferred to the final plat approval stage.
            (19)   Wetland Reports: All correspondence or reports relating to wetlands, such as U.S. army corps of engineers and IDOT division of water resources.
            (20)   Traffic Management Studies: All correspondence and reports relating to traffic management such as traffic studies, or correspondence to or from IDOT or Lake County department of transportation.
            (21)   Stormwater Detention Calculations: Stormwater detention calculations.
            (22)   Percolation Tests: Percolation tests if on site sewage disposal systems are to be utilized.
            (23)   Preliminary Plat Or Plan Requirements: Preliminary plats or plans shall include the following:
               (A)   Preliminary plat or plan.
               (B)   Preliminary utility plan.
               (C)   Existing natural resource plan.
               (D)   Natural resources protection plan.
               (E)   Preliminary landscaping plan.
            (24)   Water Study Report: Water study report demonstrating adequate water supply.
            (25)   Fiscal Impact Study: Fiscal impact study, if required by the plan commission.
         c.   Proposals Of The Subdivider:
            (1)   Name Of Subdivision: The subdivision name shall be original and not duplicate, or be substantially similar to, any existing Lake County subdivision.
            (2)   Streets: Unduplicated names, right of way and roadway widths, similar data for alleys, if any.
            (3)   Easements: Location, width and purpose.
            (4)   Lot Lines: Location and dimensions.
            (5)   Sites: Location and use of any site to be used for other than single-family residential.
            (6)   Setback: Minimum building setback lines.
            (7)   Site Data: A tabulation of gross area, street area, other dedicated area, net subdivided area, number of lots and linear feet of street.
            (8)   Elevations: Proposed contours of the finished subdivision, where different from existing contours, in the same detail used for existing elevations.
         d.   Engineering Plans And Drawings:
            (1)   Engineer: Whenever improvements covered by this subsection are required in the development of a subdivision, an engineer shall prepare all plans and specifications.
         e.   Utilities: Where the preliminary plat contains utility easements, the plat shall be approved by an authorized employee of the utility company attesting to the suitability of said easements for the purpose shown.
         f.   Review Agencies: Immediately upon the filing of a preliminary plat or plan, the plat officer shall forward one copy to each of the following:
            (1)   Village zoning officer.
            (2)   Village engineer.
            (3)   Health officer (where applicable).
            (4)   Village planner.
   Each of these officers shall review the plat or plan for compliance with the applicable portions of the village's subdivision regulations and other applicable village ordinances. A written report recommending approval or disapproval and giving the reasons therefor shall be sent to the plan commission within twenty (20) days.
         g.   Preliminary Approval: The plan commission shall approve or disapprove the application for preliminary plat or plan approval within ninety (90) days from the date of filing the application or the filing by the applicant of the last item of required supporting documents, whichever date is later, unless such time is extended by mutual consent.
            (1)   When the preliminary plat or plan has been acted upon by the plan commission, it shall be referred to the village board of trustees. If the plan commission approves the plat or plan it shall so indicate on the plat, and if it disapproves such plat or plan it shall furnish the board and the applicant a written statement setting forth the reason for disapproval and specifying with particularity the aspects in which the proposed plat or plan fails to conform to this title and the official comprehensive plan, and with the intent of the village's comprehensive plan. The board shall accept or reject said plat or plan within thirty (30) days after its regular stated meeting following the action of the plan commission.
            (2)   Upon approval of the preliminary plat or plan by the board, the following notice of approval shall be stamped upon five (5) prints thereof, and required signatures affixed:
   Notice is hereby given that the preliminary plat or plan of a subdivision shown hereon has received approval by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Lake Villa, Illinois, and upon compliance by the subdivider with requirements of qualifications governing the approval of preliminary plats or plans and with other revisions and stipulations that may be required, the Board will receive the final plat or plan for consideration when submitted by the subdivider in such form and with such time as required by this ordinance.
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Lake Villa.
      3.   The Final Plat: A record of the subdivision as surveyed in the field is the final plat. It shows property lines and other dimensions important to the subdivider in selling lots, and to the public in keeping records of street lines, easements, and utility locations. Normally, approval will be automatic if the final plat conforms to the approved preliminary plat. Upon determining to his satisfaction that the final plat conforms to the approved preliminary plat, the enforcement officer shall sign the plat and submit it to the mayor and village clerk for signature. Countersigning by the mayor and village clerk shall constitute final approval and authorize the recording of the final plat. Recording of the final plat shall authorize the issuance of building permits, but does not constitute acceptance of proffered or required dedications.
         a.   Conditions For Disapproval: Disapproval is warranted by, but not limited to, the following conditions:
            (1)   The final plat is not in conformance with the preliminary plat,
            (2)   More than one year has elapsed since preliminary plat approval.
         b.   Staged Development: Submission of a final plat covering only a portion of the area covered by a preliminary plat may be permitted after consideration of the effect on the continuity of roads, utilities, and services. Validity of the preliminary plat may be extended to one year from the date of final approval of any portion thereof.
         c.   Plat Form And Content: The final plat shall be drawn in waterproof black (india) ink on tracing cloth, on mylar, or their equivalents. Permitted page sizes shall be as follows: thirty six inches by thirty inches (36" x 30") or twenty inches by thirty inches (20" x 30"). Other sizes will not be accepted. Scale shall be one inch to one hundred feet (1" = 100') or larger. Variation in scale may be allowed when determined by the enforcement officer to be necessary for a proper exhibit of the subdivision. When more than one sheet is used for any plat, they shall be numbered consecutively, and each sheet shall contain a notation showing the whole number of sheets in the plat, and its relation to the other sheets (i.e., sheet 1 of 3 sheets). Linear dimensions shall be given in feet and decimals thereof. The final plat shall show on the face thereof:
            (1)   The name of the subdivision;
            (2)   The location and position of the subdivision indicated in each of the following ways:
               (A)   By quarter-quarter section, section, township, range, meridian, county, and state;
               (B)   By distance and bearings from true north or angles with reference to a corner or corners established in the United States public land survey;
               (C)   By a written legal description of the exterior boundaries of the land as surveyed and divided;
            (3)   The top of a plat to be oriented north, and the plat to contain a north arrow;
            (4)   A graphic scale;
            (5)   The date of preparation;
            (6)   The description and location of all survey monuments;
            (7)   Survey data sufficient to reproduce any line or reestablish any monument in the subdivision;
            (8)   A graphic presentation of all streets, alleys, blocks, parcels, and public grounds into which the land is divided and of all easements and rights of way;
            (9)   The length of boundary lines of all streets, alleys, blocks, lots, parcels, public grounds, easements, and rights of way, or enough information so that the length of these lines can be derived by simple calculation; where a boundary line is an arc of a circle, the radius and the length of the arc shall be shown;
            (10)   The width of all streets, alleys, easements, and rights of way;
            (11)   A graphic presentation of the minimum building setback lines on all lots and parcels, and a notation of the distance between such lines and the street right of way line; in no case shall the setback line be less than that required by the Lake Villa zoning ordinance;
            (12)   The area of each lot or parcel containing one acre or more;
            (13)   Consecutive letters on all blocks and consecutive numbers on all lots throughout the plat;
            (14)   The name of each street, printed on the graphic representation of each street, and an appropriate label designating all other easements, rights of way, setback lines, dedications, and reservations (e.g., "Dedicated For Park Purposes" or "Reserved For Public School Site");
            (15)   The abutting street lines of all adjoining subdivisions, shown in their correct location by broken lines;
            (16)   The water elevation of adjoining lakes or streams at the date of survey and a graphic representation, as well as a notation of, the high water marks of such lakes or streams; if any portion of the land within a subdivision shown on any final plat is subject to inundation or flood hazard by stormwater, such fact and portion shall be clearly shown on the final plat by a prominent note on each sheet of such plat whereon any such portion shall be shown;
            (17)   Covenants and restrictions;
            (18)   All required certificates as specified below;
            (19)   All necessary engineering plans and specifications, for all public or common improvements, prepared by an Illinois licensed engineer, shall be submitted in triplicate to the plat officer, duly signed, and bearing the engineer's seal, which shall include the following:
               (A)   Plans and specifications of street construction, including centerline profile of each street with a typical cross section of the roadway. The street plan shall show the location of drainage structures and their size. The profile shall be shown to a scale of one inch to fifty feet (1" = 50') horizontal and one inch to five feet (1" = 5') vertical. (Standard federal aid sheets are preferred.)
               (B)   Plans, details, specifications and cost estimates of proposed water distribution systems and of proposed water supply facilities.
               (C)   Plans, details, specifications and cost estimates of sewerage systems.
               (D)   Supplementary plans and drawings, when required by the plat officer or village engineer, shall be provided, when necessary for adequate review, when unusual site considerations or other factors are involved, which mandate the need for additional information. The plat officer shall advise the subdivider by letter of any such additional requirements.
               (E)   No final plat shall be approved, signed, or recorded, unless and until the village engineer has reviewed and given his written approval for the engineering plans and specifications, and the final plat;
            (20)   In each subdivision, which is to be developed in separate phases, the final plat for each phase shall contain a resource protection schedule, which sets forth the applicable resource protection requirements, as required by the village's zoning ordinance or such other ordinance as is applicable to the development, for the entire development, as well as for the particular phase, in the following form, or as may be modified from time to time by the village board:
Resource Protection Schedule
Provided In Prior Phases
Provided This Phase
To Be Provided
Resource Protection Schedule
Provided In Prior Phases
Provided This Phase
To Be Provided
Existing (100%)
Floodplains (100%)
Mature woodlands (70%)
Young woodlands (40%)
Steep slopes (30%+)
Drainageways (40%)
Park land
* Required per                                   :1 mitigation rate.
This resource protection schedule applies to the property legally described as follows: (insert legal description for entire subdivision, not just the phase).
         d.   Certificates Required: The application for approval of the final plat shall be accompanied by the following final plat certificates, duly processed and signed, using waterproof black (india) ink. The required certificates and the exact wording of certificates shall be as set forth in section 11-5-3, "Appendix C; Plat Signature Blocks", of this title.
         e.   Certificate Of County Superintendent Of Highways: A certificate of the Lake County superintendent of highways shall also be required if the subdivision is to have direct access off a road under the jurisdiction of Lake County.
         f.   Certificate Of Illinois Department Of Transportation: A certificate of the Illinois department of transportation or letter of approval shall also be required if the subdivision is to have direct access off a road under the jurisdiction of the Illinois department of transportation.
   B.   Fees: At the time the preliminary plat is submitted, the subdivider shall pay a separate, nonrefundable review and processing fee payable to the village in accordance with the following schedule:
5 acres or less
$ 200.00
Over 5 acres, but not exceeding 10 acres
Over 10 acres, but not exceeding 20 acres
Over 20 acres
Each additional acre over 20 acres
   C.   Recording: The developer shall submit the approved final plat to the Lake County recorder for recording within thirty (30) days of approval. Said final plat shall become the property of the county of Lake. The developer shall notify the enforcement officer of the date of recordation and he shall supply the enforcement officer with two (2) true and exact copies of the plat as recorded within ten (10) days of recordation.
   D.   Building Permits And Certificates Of Occupancy:
      1.   Building permits shall not be issued until the zoning officer has been notified by the enforcement officer that the final plat has been approved and recorded.
      2.   Certificates of occupancy shall not be issued until the zoning officer has been notified by the plat officer that the required improvements have been completed and approved. (Ord. 2015-03-02, 3-11-2015)