(A) Where off-lot sewer is provided, each single-family detached residential lot shall have an area of at least 9,000 square feet, shall be at least 100 feet deep and shall be at least 70 feet wide. In case of irregularly shaped lots, the minimum width shall be measured at the front building line.
(B) Where off-lot sewer is not required, and is not provided, residential lots shall have an area of at least 15,000 square feet, shall be at least 100 feet deep, and shall be at least 85 feet wide. Where, as the result of the soil test prescribed in § 153.109(B), the Tarrant County Health Department deems the minimum lot area insufficient, the Commission shall require additional area sufficient to accommodate the sanitary facilities deemed necessary by the Tarrant County Health Department. In case of irregularly shaped lots, the minimum width shall be measured at the front building line.
(C) Corner lots shall be a minimum of 20 feet wider than the minimum lot width for interior lots in the zoning district in which the subdivision is platted. Lots abutting on crosswalk ways shall be treated as corner lots. In the case of subdivisions platted in the extraterritorial jurisdiction, the corner lot width shall be the minimum interior lot width approved for that subdivision plus 20 feet.
(D) Each lot shall front upon a public street. Lots of irregular shape shall not be allowed unless they have a street frontage of at least 20 feet.
(E) Side lot lines shall be substantially at right angles to straight street lines and radial to curved street lines.
(F) Where a lot in a residential area backs up to a railroad right-of-way, a high-pressure gasoline, oil or gas line, an arterial street, an industrial area, or other land use which has a depreciating effect on residential property, and where no marginal access street or other street is provided at the rear of such lot, additional depth may be required by the Commission. Where a lot sides to any of the above, additional width shall be required by the Commission.
(G) In subdivisions platted after the effective date of this chapter, where each lot maintains an individual water supply well and sewage system with a subsurface soil system, the plat shall show the approved well location and sanitary control easement around the well within a 150-foot radius in which no subsurface sewage system may be constructed.
(H) Where a subdivision is platted so that residential lots back up to a collector street, at least a six-foot high solid screening fence along the rear lot line shall be required, except for one gate not to exceed 48 inches per each lot, and vehicular access from the collector street shall be prohibited. The construction of the fence shall be required in the developer agreement and shall be accomplished by the developer at the time that public facilities installation is required.
(I) Where a subdivision is platted so that residential lots are adjacent to a collector street, private residential driveways shall be prohibited to connect to collector streets except where a concrete surface has been provided for maneuvering so as not to require backing onto the collector street, and driveways shall not be closer than 100 feet from center line of driveway to center line of driveway.
(Ord. 353, passed 7-10-2013)