(A) Generally. Except as otherwise provided in this section:
(1) No person may erect a temporary sign as defined in § 151.051 without a permit from the Town Administrator;
(2) No temporary or portable sign shall be erected or placed to advertise a business, industry, or pursuit except on the premises on which the referenced business, industry, or pursuit is conducted;
(3) All temporary type fragile display or signage that might separate from itself or become separated from either line under the guidelines of the Uniform Building Code shall not be allowed. These restrictions are to protect the general public from flying debris generated by dismembered displays;
(4) No temporary or portable sign shall be attached to any utility pole, light pole, or traffic control sign or pole;
(5) The complete sign package must be removed at the termination of the permit. Removal of letters from the sign board does not abate a nonpermitted sign;
(6) No temporary sign shall be displayed more than 30 days per permit received;
(7) A maximum of three temporary sign permits per year shall be issued to any one business, industry, or pursuit. However, consecutive permitting is not allowed. There shall be a 45-day period between permitting;
(8) Temporary signs shall not exceed 50 square feet in area;
(9) No temporary or portable sign shall be erected or placed within 15 feet of the curb or street except for those which may be mounted on the wall of a building which is closer than 15 feet to the curb;
(10) No temporary or portable signs may be erected or placed in any location that constitutes a safety or traffic hazard;
(11) No temporary or portable sign may be erected or placed in a fire zone, fire lane, disabled parking area, or required loading zone;
(12) No temporary or portable sign may be erected or placed in any location that blocks view from any permitted permanent sign;
(13) Temporary or portable signs shall be placed at least 100 feet apart;
(14) Nonconforming temporary signs or temporary signs without permits may be impounded by the town 48 hours after notice is given to the owner or party responsible for the sign;
(15) Each temporary sign may advertise one or more business. However, for each business advertised, a separate permit fee will be required and each business will be charged for the advertisement against its allocated three permits per year; and
(16) Trailer and portable signs shall bear in letters of not less than one inch in height, the company name of the sign owner and telephone number on each unit. This information must be current. Any sign not containing current information shall be classified as nonconforming and may be impounded by the town 48 hours after notice is given to the owner or party.
(B) Real estate signs. Permits shall not be required for the following types of real estate signs.
(1) One temporary sign announcing the offering for sale or rental of individually platted residential or commercial property on which it is placed shall be allowed in any district and may be placed in any yard. The signs shall not exceed five square feet in area. The signs shall be removed within one week following the close of the sale or lease.
(2) On nonresidential commercial property where there is a business building, one temporary unlighted sign offering all or portion of the same sale or rental shall be allowed flat against any wall of the business building. The sign shall be no taller than the wall and shall have an area no larger than 100 square feet. The sign shall be removed within one week following the close of a sale or lease.
(3) On undeveloped property, temporary unlighted signs offering the same for sale or lease shall be allowed. The signs shall be located at least 25 feet behind any curb or ten feet behind any property line, whichever is greater; and shall not exceed 15 feet in height. The total area of all sign message surfaces of all the signs shall not exceed one square foot per one linear foot of street frontage of the property for sale or 100 square feet on each street fronting the property; whichever is smaller. Only one sign per street frontage is permitted. Each sign shall be removed within one week following the close of the sale or lease.
(C) Weekend advertising. The Town of Lakeside’s policy for weekend advertising, as expressed in this chapter, is extended to homebuilders and apartment owners for the purpose of guiding the weekend motoring public to available residential properties in the town. The policy is intended to benefit also the buying public. These provisions are designed to allow temporary directional signs without resulting in an excess that may prove offensive to others of the public. The policy should also serve as common sense guidelines in places where direct application is unclear.
(1) Registration. In order for a builder/developer to be eligible to participate in this weekend advertisement, he or she must be registered in the Building Inspection Department. An annual fee must be paid by each builder/developer/owner wishing to advertise under these provisions. The annual fee must be paid and/or renewed during the month of January of each year.
(2) Schedule. Signs will be allowed between 12;00 p.m. Friday and 12:00 p.m. Monday. A holiday falling on Friday or Monday will be considered part of the weekend.
(3) Sign size. Signs shall not exceed 24 inches x 30 inches in size, not to exceed five feet above grade.
(4) Spacing of signs. A minimum of 30 feet must be held between all signs, and signs for one advertiser must be at least 200 feet apart.
(5) Sign location. Individual sign locations shall adhere to the following criteria.
(a) No closer than 40 feet to a street intersection or median opening.
(b) Signs may be placed in town right-of-way, but no closer than three feet from the edge of the sign to the street curb or edge of payment. Signs should not encroach either the sidewalks or the street.
(c) No sign shall be placed in the visibility triangle, as defined in this section. Generally, if a sign is close to blocking motorist visibility, it should be removed.
(d) No signs shall be placed further than three miles from the subject property.
(6) Sign construction and criteria. Signs should be rigid, two dimensional displays that advertise new residential property, “For Sale or Lease,” guiding the motorist to specific location in Lakeside.
(7) Guidelines and limitations. These are the guidelines under which this policy will be administered, relating particularly to the weekend motoring customer. It is the responsibility of the builder/owner to secure permission of the adjacent property owner for placement of signs on private property. This policy does not grant unlimited access and use of the town right-of-way. Violations of this policy will be cause for confiscation of signs. Any signs which are confiscated by the Code Enforcement Officer may be reclaimed by the owner of the signs, but each signs so confiscated will be subject to a redemption fee. If signs remain unclaimed for a period of 30 days, the town will dispose of the signs as may be appropriate. Excessive general violations may require that the policy be suspended for a period of time. The Town Administrator shall notify the City Council in the event that the suspension of this policy is put into effect indicating the causes and period of the suspension. All builders/owners aid in maintaining a neat and orderly appearance throughout the town.
(D) Subdivision/new development signs.
(1) Subdivision/new development signs are to be used for the identification of a new project, such as a subdivision, where real property is being sold for the first time to user, new buildings, public projects and the like. These signs are not permanent but may be required for a longer period of time than most temporary signs.
(2) Each subdivision and/or development shall be permitted to install one on-site sign located on the property owned by the advertiser in the same zoning district as the project and one off-site sign which may be located in any commercial, industrial, or office district or on unplatted vacant property.
(3) A sign permit is required for each subdivision or new development sign erected in accordance with these procedures.
(4) Permits for the signs shall be issued for a period of one year or to completion of the project, whichever occurs first. A second permit allowing an additional one year may be granted by the Town Administrator upon payment of a renewal fee equal to the original permit fee and conformance with the following requirements.
(a) A substantial portion of the development is not completed.
(b) If the development has building activity in progress.
(c) If the sign is relocated to portion of the development which is not offensive to the completed portion of the development.
(d) These signs shall not exceed 15 feet in height and shall be no larger than 150 square feet in size.
(e) The signs shall be located at least 25 feet behind the curb of the street and shall not be in violation of any visibility triangle.
(f) On larger vacant tracts where more than one project or development may be advertised, no two signs may be closer than 200 feet.
(E) Trade construction signs.
(1) Trade construction signs may be approved at the discretion of the Town Administrator to advertise the various construction trades on any construction site.
(2) Trade construction signs must be removed prior to the final inspection of the building or structure.
(F) Political signs.
(1) Temporary, unlighted, political signs (including portable or trailer signs) supporting an announced candidate, a party or an issue shall be allowed in any district without a sign permit.
(2) Political signs shall not be located on any utility, light, traffic signal, or sign post.
(3) Political signs are permitted for a period of 30 days prior to local or county elections, 60 days prior to a state election, and 90 days prior to a national election. All political signs shall be removed no later than seven days after the election or after the termination of candidacy, whichever is first.
(4) In “R” Districts, political signs shall not have a height of more than three feet above grade. In other districts, the height shall not exceed six feet above grade.
(5) In “R”Districts, political signs shall not exceed five square feet.
(6) In all zoning districts, political signs shall not be located to cause a safety or traffic hazard.
(G) Temporary civic signs.
(1) Temporary signs advertising public school or religious events may be erected or placed on their property after ordaining a permit from the Building Department. The permit will be at no cost. A maximum of two permits may be issued at any one time.
(2) Temporary signs advertising public school, civic or religious events of public school, civic or religious organizations may be placed on any private property with the permission of the owner. The off-site signs are required to be permitted.
(3) Signs announcing civic items of wide-spread community interest may be erected on public property or right-of-way with special permission of the City Council. The signs shall be located so as not to present a safety or traffic hazard.
(H) Garage sale signs.
(1) Temporary, unlighted signs announcing the holding of a sale of household possessions at a place of residence shall be allowed in any zoning district without a permit.
(2) Garage sale signs shall be located on private property only. Garage sale signs shall not be permitted on any public property or right-of-way, nor on any utility light, traffic signal, or sign post.
(3) Sign size shall not exceed six square feet.
(4) Signs shall not be posted more than five days prior to the beginning of the sale and shall be removed within 24 hours following the end of the sale.
(Ord. 174, passed 9-14-1995; Ord. 385, passed 8-17-2014)