For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
AREA OF SIGN. The total area within the extremes perimeter of the attraction area intended to draw attention to the sign. Supporting structures shall not be included in calculations. The area of the sign with two faces, approximately opposed, shall be that of the larger face if the condition prevails; but, if the angle between the planes of the opposing faces exceeds 30 degrees, the total area of both faces shall be considered the sign area. For multi-sided or circular signs, the calculation shall include all of the projected area.
BANNER SIGN. Any sign painted on a strip of cloth, canvas, or light fabric with or without frames intended to be displayed for a short period of time.
BILLBOARDS. Any flat surface erected on a framework or any structure, or attached to posts and used for, or designed to be used for the display of bills, posters, or other advertising material, for the purpose of advertising a business or activity not located on the same premises as the advertising material. Mobile advertising, hand-carried signs, and political signs shall not be considered a billboard for the purposes of this chapter.
DEVELOPMENT. Any nonresidential property improvement or properties improved as a unit with a common parking area that is contiguous to the development. A shopping center under single or multiple ownership constitutes a development. A pad site within a shopping center under separate ownership constitutes a development. Any single lot, single structure on nonresidential property constitutes a development.
DIGITAL MESSAGE BOARD. A sign, display or device, internally illuminated, which changes the static message or copy by electronic means. The sign must be operated by an entity possessing an outdoor advertising license issued by the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT).
ELECTRONIC MESSAGE BOARD. A sign utilizing a fixed light source to provide a message in text, pictures or symbols. Electronic message boards shall not appear to move or appear as an on/off message.
FLAG. United States-, Texas-, company-, and award-type flags flown from flag poles.
GROUND SIGNS. A sign not wholly supported on a building or which has its main supporting structure depending on the ground for attachment.
LIMITED ACCESS FREEWAY. A highway to which the right of access to or from abutting lands is controlled and restricted by the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation or the Town of Lakeside, further, a LIMITED ACCESS FREEWAY shall be bordered on each side by access roads. The LIMITED ACCESS FREEWAY within the Town of Lakeside is State Highway 199, Jacksboro Highway.
MARQUEE SIGN. Includes any hood or awning or permanent construction projecting from the wall of a building or other structure containing either permanent or changeable advertising.
MONUMENT SIGN. A sign constructed out of brick, stone, or cast concrete supported on concrete foundation.
PROJECTING SIGN. A sign suspended from a building or structure and projecting out therefrom more than one foot.
PYLON SIGN. A ground sign erected for the purposes of identifying the tenants in a development as defined by this section.
QUALIFIED STREET FRONTAGE. The width of property along the street of a commercial or industrial development which bears the address of the property.
ROOF SIGN. Any sign supported by the roof of a building or placed above the apparent flat roof or eaves of a building as viewed from any elevation.
SIGHT TRIANGLE. An area of unobstructed visibility or either corner of a street and/or driveway of at least 25 feet in any direction.
SIGN. A display board, screen, structure, object, or part thereof, used to announce, declare, demonstrate, display, or otherwise advertise and attract the attention of the public to any business, service, or product provided on the premises upon which the sign is placed, other than:
(1) Official notices authorized by court, public body, or public officer; and
(2) Directional, warning, or informational signs authorized by federal, state, or municipal authority.
TEMPORARY SIGN. A sign, balloon, or other advertising display constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wall board, or other light material with or without frames intended to be displayed for a short period of time only. Trailer and portable signs are so classified.
TRAFFIC-CONTROL SIGNS. Any sign used only to control and direct traffic on private property, e.g., “Enter” or “Exit.”
WALL SIGN. Any sign painted on, attached to, or projecting from the wall surface of a building (including permanent window signs and signs on awnings and/or marquees). A WALL SIGN shall not project above the apparent flat roof or eave line as viewed from all elevations, or more than one foot from the surface of the wall.
WALL SURFACE. The general outer surface not including cornices, bay windows, or other ornamental trim, of any main exterior wall of the building.
(Ord. 174, passed 9-14-1995; Ord. 385, passed 8-17-2014)