(A)   Signs; commercial and industrial.
      (1)   For signing purposes, frontage on private streets that serve as a public thoroughfare and not just as driveways may be considered as qualified street frontage.
      (2)   Any one development may have one sign which may be choice of ground sign, monument sign, roof sign or projecting sign, subject to the requirements of the section.
      (3)   Major developments, containing 50,000 square feet or greater in building(s) may have one pylon sign located on one street frontage.  The total amount of signage allowed on a pylon sign shall be calculated on (.005) square feet of signage for each square foot of floor area up to a maximum of 1,000 square feet of sign area.  Signage for each major development may reach a maximum height of 75 feet if the sign is located on a controlled access freeway frontage.  For all other frontages of the development, the sign may reach a maximum of 50 feet in height and shall meet the general provisions of this section.
      (4)   In developments with substantial street frontage; i.e., 350 linear feet or greater, on two or more streets, additional ground signs may be permitted for each street providing that all signs requested must meet the provisions of division (B) below.
   (B)   Ground signs.  Ground signs are subject to the following provisions.
      (1)   One ground or pole sign may be permitted for each 300 linear feet or portion thereof of qualified street frontage with each development in all except “R” Districts.
      (2)   The total area of the sign permitted for a ground sign shall be calculated as one square foot of sign for each linear foot of street frontage, up to a maximum of 300 square feet for any one sign.
      (3)   The maximum height of any ground sign and supporting structure shall be 25 feet, except that the height of a ground sign may be increased by adding one foot of height for each linear foot the sign is set back from the adjacent property lines, not to exceed an absolute maximum of 50 feet to the top of the sign; except as noted in division (A) above.
      (4)   The height of any ground sign may not exceed one-half the shortest linear distance from the location of the sign to the nearest boundary of any “R” District.
      (5)   The sign shall not project over the property line of the development, right-of-way or over any area within ten feet of the curb of a public street.
      (6)   A minimum qualified frontage of 50 feet shall be required to erect a ground sign.
      (7)   Permanent attachments to the ground shall be required for all ground signs, to meet or exceed the requirements of § 151.052.
   (C)   Monument signs.  Monument signs are subject to the following provisions.
      (1)   One monument sign may be permitted in each development in all zoning districts, except two matching monument signs shall be allowed at the main entrance of “R” subdivisions.
      (2)   Monument signs in all zoning districts with the exception of “R” districts shall not exceed six feet in height and shall not exceed 150 square feet in sign area.
      (3)   Monument signs in “R” district shall not exceed four feet in height and shall not exceed 50 square feet in sign area.
   (D)   Banner signs.  Banner signs are subject to the following provisions.
      (1)   One banner sign may be permitted with each development without a sign permit in all zoning districts except “R.”
      (2)   The total permitted area for banner signs shall not exceed a maximum of 50 square feet.
      (3)   Banner signs may be attached to a wall surface or face and shall not project above the apparent roof or eaves line.
      (4)   Banner signs shall be attached in such a manner to withstand wind loads.
      (5)   Banner signs which have become torn, tattered, or unsightly shall be removed.
   (E)   Freeway signs.  On properties fronting on the limited access freeways as defined in § 151.051, the following additional provisions shall apply to ground signs erected.
      (1)   The maximum height allowed for a ground sign located within 200 feet of a limited access freeway shall be 50 feet as measured from the location of the sign more 35 feet above the height of the adjacent main travel lanes of the freeway, whichever is greater.
      (2)   The maximum size for the ground sign which is located within 200 feet of the freeway shall be two square feet of sign area for each linear foot of freeway frontage up to a maximum of 400 square feet.
   (F)   Roof signs.  Roof signs are permitted under the following provisions.
      (1)   One roof sign may be permitted with each development on all zoning districts except “R” Districts.
      (2)   Roof signs shall not project horizontally over the edge of the roof or eaves.
      (3)   The maximum area of roof signage shall be one square foot of sign area for each linear foot of qualified frontage not to exceed a maximum of 200 square feet.
      (4)   The height of a roof sign shall not exceed ten feet above the apparent flat roof or eave line.
      (5)   Roof sign supports should be architecturally attractive or screened from view.
   (G)   Projecting signs.  Projecting signs permitted are subject to the following provisions.
      (1)   One projecting sign may be permitted with each development in all zoning district except the “R” Districts.
      (2)   Projecting signs shall not project over the property lines of the development, right-of-way, or over any area within ten feet of the curb of public street.
      (3)   A projecting sign shall not extend more than four feet from any wall facing.
      (4)   The total permitted area of a projected sign shall be computed at one square foot of sign area for each linear foot of qualified frontage not to exceed a maximum of 100 square feet.
   (H)   Wall signs commercial area.
      (1)   Wall signs shall be permitted in commercial or industrial zoning district developments provided the total area of all wall signs on any one wall of a building shall not exceed 25% of the total wall area.
      (2)   Application of the area requirements shall include any valance or permanent window signs.
      (3)   A wall sign shall not project above the apparent flat roof or eave line.
      (4)   In service station/convenience stores uses when a canopy is provided over the pump area, wall signs located on the facia area of the canopy, or suspended on the supports of the canopy, may be permitted provided that the total area of all signs does not exceed 25% of the total facia area of the canopy.
   (I)   Signs; residential zones.  All signs are prohibited in the “R” District except as follows.
      (1)   Multi-family developments in the multi-family residential zone shall be allowed wall or ground signs for identification purposes only for each street frontage.  The total area of the signs shall not exceed 50 square feet.
      (2)   Ground signs allowed in these districts shall not exceed a height of four feet above grade.
      (3)   Ground signs installed in these districts shall not be located in the required sight triangle of a street or driveway intersection.
      (4)   In “R” District developments providing solid masonry screening along street frontages, approved wall signs may be installed in the screening walls.
      (5)   Wall signs may be used with any residential use in “R” Zoning District with a maximum of two square feet per sign.  No more than two signs per occupancy.  No permit is required.
   (J)   Traffic-control signs (private property).
      (1)   The maximum area of any one traffic control sign shall be two square feet.
      (2)   Traffic-control signs are not permitted in “R” Districts, with the exception of the Multi-Family Residential District.
      (3)   Traffic-control signs shall not include any advertising or attention attracting lighting, symbols, logos, or shapes.
   (K)   Memorial signs and historical tablets.  Nothing herein shall prevent the City Council from granting special permits on the terms as it may deem proper, for signs denoting properties or buildings which may have historical or memorial significance to the community.  Nor shall the City Council be restricted from authorizing signs as they deem appropriate to advertise patriotic, special events or special projects of general public interest taking place within the town.
   (L)   Lighting.
      (1)   Illuminated signs are permitted.  Illuminating may be by internal, internal-indirect, or indirect lighting as defined below.  Lighting shall be so installed as to avoid any glare or reflection into adjacent property, or onto a street or alley to create a traffic hazard.
      (2)   When not necessary to satisfy security purposes, it is suggested that lighting be turned off as soon after business hours as is reasonable, especially where signs are in close proximity to residential areas.
      (3)   INTERNAL LIGHTING shall mean a source of illumination entirely within the sign which makes the contents of the sign visible at night by means of the light being transmitted through a translucent material but wherein the source of the illumination is not visible.
      (4)   INTERNAL-INDIRECT LIGHTING shall mean a source of illumination entirely within the sign which makes the sign visible at night by means of lighting the background upon which the free standing character is mounted.  The character itself shall be opaque, and thus will be silhouetted against the background.  The source of illumination is not visible.
      (5)   INDIRECT LIGHTING shall mean a source of external illumination located a distance away from the sign, which lights the sign, but which itself is not visible to persons viewing the sign from any normal position of view.
   (M)   Rotating, moving, flashing, changing, or blinking billboard signs.  This type sign shall not be permitted.
   (N)   Message signs.  Message signs containing changeable messages, i.e. time and temperature, and the like, may be permitted on an individual basis by submittal of a request to the Building Official.
(Ord. 174, passed 9-14-1995; Ord. 385, passed 8-17-2014)