(A)   Streets, continuous. Except for cul-de-sacs, streets shall connect with streets already dedicated in adjoining or adjacent subdivisions, or provide for future connections to adjoining unsubdivided tracts, or shall be a reasonable projection of streets in the nearest subdivided tracts. The arrangement of thoroughfares and collector streets shall be considered in their relation to the reasonable circulation of traffic, to topographic conditions, to run-off of storm water, to public convenience and safety, and in their appropriate relation to the proposed uses of area to be served.
   (B)   Local streets and dead-end streets. Local streets should be so planned as to discourage their use by non-local traffic. Dead-end streets are prohibited, but cul-de-sacs shall be permitted where topography or other physical conditions justify their use. Cul-de-sacs shall not be longer than 500 feet, including a terminal turn-around which shall be provided at the closed end, with a right-of-way radius of not less than 70 feet.
   (C)   Street plans for future subdivisions. Where the plat to be submitted includes only part of the tract owned or intended for development by the subdivider, a tentative plan of a proposed future street system for the unsubdivided portion shall be prepared and submitted by the subdivider.
   (D)   Temporary cul-de-sac. In those instances where a street is terminated pending future extension in conjunction with future subdivision, a temporary turn-around facility shall be provided at the closed end, in conformance with cul-de-sac requirements.
   (E)   Provisions for resubdivision of large lots and parcels. When a tract is subdivided into larger than normal building lots or parcels, such lots or parcels shall be so arranged as to permit the logical location and openings of future streets and appropriate resubdivision, with provision for adequate utility connections for such resubdivision.
   (F)   Street intersections. Under normal conditions, streets shall be laid out so as to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles, except where topography or other conditions justify variations. Under normal conditions, the minimum angle of intersection of streets shall be 80 degrees. Street intersection jogs with an offset of less than 125 feet shall be avoided.
   (G)   Subdivision abutting major rights-of-ways. Wherever the proposed subdivision contains or is adjacent to the right-of-way of a U.S. or state highway or thoroughfare, provision may be made for a marginal access street approximately parallel and adjacent to the boundary of such right-of-way, provided that due consideration is given to proper circulation design, or for a street at a distance suitable for the appropriate use of land between such street and right-of-way. Such distance shall be determined with due consideration of the minimum distance required for approach connections to future grade separations, or for lot depths.
   (H)   Sidewalks. In those cases where the City Council deems appropriate and necessary, sidewalks of not less than six feet in width shall be provided. In all cases where sidewalks are provided, provisions shall be made for handicapped access.
   (I)   Service access, alleys. Service access shall be provided in commercial and industrial districts for off-street loading, unloading, and parking consistent with and adequate for the uses proposed. Except where justified by special conditions, such as the continuation of an existing alley in the same block, alleys will not be approved in residential districts. Alleys, where provided, shall not be less than 30 feet wide. Dead-end alleys shall be avoided wherever possible, but if unavoidable, such dead-end alleys may be approved if adequate turn-around facilities arc provided at the closed end.
   (J)   Half streets. Dedication of half streets shall not be considered for approval except where it is essential to the reasonable development of the subdivision and in conformity with the other requirements of these regulations or where it is found that it will be practical to require the dedication of the other half when the adjoining property is subdivided.
   (K)   Street grades. Except when, upon the recommendation of the City Engineer, the topography warrants a greater maximum, the grades in all streets, thoroughfares, collector streets, local streets, and alleys in any subdivision shall not be greater than as follows: arterial street, 4%; collector street, 5%; local street and alley, 8%. In addition, there shall be a minimum grade on all streets and thoroughfares of not less than 30%.
   (L)   Reverse curves. There shall be a tangent between all reversed curves of a length in relation to the radii of the curves so as to provide for a smooth flow of traffic.
   (M)   Reserve strips. Reserve strips controlling access to streets shall be prohibited except under conditions accepted by the City Council.
   (N)   Street right-of-way width.
      (1)   For all public ways hereafter dedicated and accepted, the minimum right-of-way widths for streets and thoroughfares, alleys, or pedestrian ways included in any subdivision shall not be less than the minimum dimensions for each classification as follows:
30 feet
Arterial Street
66 feet
Collector Street
66 feet
Local Street
66 feet
Pedestrian Way
10 feet
      (2)   Where existing or anticipated traffic on thoroughfares warrants greater widths of right-of-way, these shall be required.
   (O)   Street alignment. The horizontal and vertical alignment standards on all streets shall be as follows:
      (1)   Horizontal radii of centerline.
Arterial Street
500 feet - minimum
Collector Street
400 feet - minimum
Minor Street
150 feet - minimum
      (2)   Vertical. All changes in street grades shall be connected by vertical parabolic curves of such length as follows:
Arterial Street
20 times the algebraic difference in the percent of grade of the two adjacent slopes
Collector Street
10 times the algebraic difference in the percent of grade of the two adjacent slopes
   (3)   Private streets. All proposed streets shall be offered for dedication as public streets. No private streets shall be permitted, except as set forth in other ordinances.
(Ord. 19-2, passed 4-11-2005) Penalty, see § 153.999