The Treasurer shall not be required to call upon the persons named in the village tax roll, nor to make personal demand for the payment of taxes, but he shall give notice to the tax payers of the village, by publication in a legal newspaper of general circulation in the village at least once, which publication of notice shall be made at least ten (10) days prior to the first day of July in each year, of the time when said taxes will be due for collection and shall give such notice of the time when said taxes will be due for collection by first class mail addressed to the owners of the property upon which taxes are assessed according to the names of such owners and their addresses as indicated on the tax roll, which notice shall be deemed sufficient for the payment of all taxes on said tax roll. Failure on the part of the Treasurer to give said notices shall not invalidate the taxes on said tax roll nor release the person or property assessed from any penalty or interest provided in this chapter in case of nonpayment of the same.
(Adopted 3-13-67)