(A)   Establishment.
      (1)   The village has previously established the Village Park and Recreation Advisory Board (“Advisory Board”), consisting of five members. It was the intention of the village that the members shall serve staggered terms, so that there was continuity of goals and objectives of the Advisory Board. The members of Advisory the Board, as of 5-1-2008, shall have terms expiring as follows:
         (a)   Two for a term expiring 4-30-2009;
         (b)   Two for a term expiring 4-30-2010; and
         (c)   One for a term expiring 4-30-2011.
      (2)   The successor to each Advisory Board member shall serve for a term of three years. The Advisory Board shall elect a Secretary from its members.
   (B)   Appointment. The members shall be appointed by the Village President and with advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, both as to annual appointments and as to appointments to fill a vacancy. The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Advisory Board shall be appointed annually by the Village President, with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees.
   (C)   Officers.
      (1)   The Chairperson of the Advisory Board shall have general supervision over the agenda of the Advisory Board, shall preside over the meetings of the Board and shall run the meetings fairly and efficiently and shall, upon consensus of the Advisory Board, communicate with outside groups and agencies concerning use of the village park facilities. The Vice- Chairperson shall act in the place and stead of the Chairperson, in the event of the Chairperson’s absence, inability or refusal to act.
      (2)   The Secretary shall record the notes and keep the minutes of all meetings of the Advisory Board, shall serve notice of meetings of the Advisory Board or shall coordinate such notice with village staff and shall keep appropriate current records showing the members of the Advisory Board together with their addresses and telephone numbers.
   (D)   Duties. The Advisory Board shall organize and oversee approved village sponsored events, such as festivals, picnics, parties or any other activity or event deemed worthy by the President and Board of Trustees. In addition, the Advisory Board shall establish and manage sports and activities leagues to be conducted at village park facilities.
   (E)   Mission. The Advisory Board shall recommend acceptance and facilitate execution of events sponsored by individuals or groups largely composed of village residents, such as recreational, sporting, educational or other similar activities.
   (F)   Reporting. The Chairperson shall submit all minutes of meetings and functions to the Chairperson of the Public Works Committee and action on any recommendations may thereafter be taken by the Village Board. Annually, the Advisory Board shall, prior to the end of the village’s fiscal year, submit a report of its activities to the President and Board of Trustees.
   (G)   Meetings. The Advisory Board shall hold regular meetings at 7:00 p.m. on a date chosen by the Advisory Board, but in no event shall the Board meet less frequently than quarterly. Three of the five members of the Board shall constitute a quorum and must be present for the Advisory Board to take any formal action. Special meetings of the Advisory Board may be called by the Chairperson or two members and a minimum of 72 hours’ advance notice of a special meeting is required. The failure of a member to attend three consecutive meetings of the Advisory Board, without good cause shown, shall result in that member’s removal from the Advisory Board, which removal shall be considered by the Village Board, within a reasonable time of the member’s failure to attend the three consecutive meetings.
   (H)   Compensation. Each Board member shall be compensated at a rate of $50 for each meeting attended by that Board member, but in no event will a Board member be paid for greater than three meetings per month.
(Ord. 09-O-02, passed 2-26-2009; Ord. 15-O-32, passed 9-10-2015)