(A) The personnel policies attached to Ordinance 1596, passed September 20, 2018, are hereby incorporated herein by reference and adopted as the personnel policies for all employees of this city.
(B) Any amendments to the personnel policies may be proposed, reviewed and approved by either the City Manager or the City Commission, as appropriate. If approved by the City Commission, the amendment will be by resolution. The City Manager is empowered to amend the personnel policies, after providing notice to all employees and the City Commission.
(Ord. 495, passed 3-15-90; Am. Ord. 1596, passed 9-20-18)
(A) The city has identified each “position of employment” deemed to be critical to security or public safety. “Position of employment” is not limited to true employees but has been liberally construed to include each individual who is “appointed” to the position; and also includes each individual who has entered into a contract with the city and will be afforded any opportunity which could pose a risk to security or public safety. These positions of employment are identified by the City Commission by resolution.
(B) Each individual to whom a conditional offer of employment is made for employment with the city in any of the listed positions identified as critical to security or public safety in a city resolution shall be fingerprinted, and those fingerprints shall be submitted to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (for a state criminal history screening) and also to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (for a national criminal history screening). The information obtained from each respective criminal history screening will be used to determine the applicant’s eligibility for employment (or continued employment) to the respective position; or, if then employed, continued employment in any position that is required to successfully pass the respective criminal history screening.
(C) City contracts may mandate, where approved by the City Commission, that each person in a position deemed to be critical to security or public safety shall undergo criminal history screening; information obtained from, or as a result of, any such screening can be used by the city as the sole basis to place limitations on the places (location) where such individuals may have access.
(D) This section shall be liberally construed. This section does not affect any law, any other ordinance, or any rule or regulation related to criminal history records checks, except that pursuant to F.S. § 166.0442 and F.S. § 112.011(2)(c), each individual applying for city employment (or who is then employed by the city) in a position that is deemed critical to security or to public safety, is not protected by F.S. § 112.011, and therefore, such individual can be denied employment (or if then already employed, the employment can be terminated) if that individual has been or is convicted of any felony or any misdemeanor of the first degree, whether or not the conviction is related to that employment.
(Ord. 1700, passed 3-22-24)