(A)   Figure 3-1 shows the process through which an individual project is reviewed. Figure 3-2 shows how the city's process is incorporated into the review of larger projects qualifying as Developments of Regional Impact (DRI).
      (1)   Basically, the coordination procedure would follow the same pattern for both DRI and non-DRI sized projects. The initial step of the person wishing to develop in this city would be that of notifying the City Manager's office. From this point, a pre-application meeting should be arranged.
      (2)   At the pre-application conference, the city's site plan development review guidelines and the city's staff concerns should be reviewed. This step in the process should be as specific as possible to avoid redundancy in later phases of the review. Once all interested parties have concurred upon the transportation concerns, the project is ready to go through the final review process. It should be noted that it may take more than one meeting to resolve the issues arising from the preapplication conference.
      (3)   The formal review process should be expedited, depending on the treatment of potential issues, at the staff level, during the pre-application process.
   (B)   The normal site plan review process would then commence following these steps:
      (1)   Submission of the site plan for final review (minimum of 45 days prior to the next regularly scheduled Planning and Zoning Board meeting).
      (2)   In depth review by city staff.
      (3)   City Engineer makes findings available to Planning and Zoning Board.
      (4)   Planning and Zoning Board reports findings and recommendations.
         (a)   If revisions are required, 60 days are allowed for resubmission; however, at least 14 days must remain before the next Planning and Zoning Board meeting for the resubmission to appear on the agenda.
         (b)   If no revisions are required, the site plan moves to the next step.
      (5)   The Planning and Zoning Board makes its final findings and recommendations.
      (6)   The City Commission approves, approves with conditions, or denies the site plan.
      (7)   For projects that are approved, or approved with conditions, the building permit process begins.
(Res. 343, passed 12-21-89)