(A)   Because of the increasing population and the possibility of increasing contamination of the ground and surface waters, and other related matters, the City Commission deems that it is to the best interest of the health, safety, and general welfare of the public to encourage the extension of public water and sewer systems and to require connection to the extended franchised or city-owned extensions to water and sewage collection systems whenever either system is extended to within 100 feet of the property line of any property to be served. However, if a property owner currently has a private well furnishing water for consumption by human beings and an extension of the system is within 100 feet of the property, then he shall be required to tie in to the system for the supply of water for human consumption, but may maintain the private water supply for outdoor watering or agricultural purposes.
   (B)   Where the property line of any property lies within 100 feet of a franchised or city-owned water or sewage collection system, then the property owner is prohibited from constructing any septic tanks or private waste disposal systems and wells where the use of water from the wells is meant for human consumption. Where the property lies within 100 feet of a franchised or city-owned water or sewage collection system, no permits will be issued for the construction of septic tanks or water wells; however, wells for outdoor watering or agricultural purposes will be permitted.
(Ord. 241, passed 11-27-85) Penalty, see § 26