(A)   The City Commission shall have the power to prescribe fair and reasonable classifications and extension policies, uniform standards of quality and measurement, minimum standards of service, and service rules and regulations to be observed, adhered to, and complied with by every public utility. These shall be prescribed only after holding a public hearing on the proposed classification, standard, rule, or regulation. All public utilities shall observe, adhere to, and comply with minimum standards of quality, measurement, and service prescribed by the City Commission.
   (B)   Each public utility shall furnish to each person applying therefor and eligible for service under the provisions of this appendix, within the territory authorized to be served by the utility, reasonably adequate and sufficient service on any reasonable terms required by the City Commission. No public utility shall make or give any undue or unreasonable advantage to any person or territory, or subject any person or territory to any undue or unreasonable prejudice or disadvantage in any respect.
   (C)   The City Commission shall have the power, and it shall be its duty, to establish additional reasonable standards of service for each class of public utility defined in this appendix, after notice and public hearing, and thereafter to enforce the standards. In performing this duty, the City Commission shall exercise its powers to conduct investigations and inspections, make examinations and tests, prescribe standards of measurement for testing the quality, pressure, or other conditions pertaining to the supply or quality of the product furnished or adequacy of the service rendered by any public utility, and fix fees for the examination and testing of meters and other measuring devices, as provided by law in establishing the general regulatory powers of the City Commission, and as directed in this appendix. Additional minimum standards of design, service, performance, acceptable materials, and equipment to those included in this appendix will be set from time to time by the City Commission to conform with current technology and acceptable practice in order to protect the health, safety, welfare, and natural resources, and to promote the orderly growth of the city.
(Ord. 241, passed 11-27-85) Penalty, see § 26