(A)   Estimates for initial facilities, and for all additions and enlargements thereof, shall be prepared by a competent engineer registered in the state. The plans and specifications shall be submitted to and approved by the State Division of Health and Rehabilitation Services, the State Department of Environmental Regulation, and the city, before the construction, addition, or enlargement of the facility is commenced.
   (B)   Application for approval by the city shall consist of two copies of the plans and specifications, the State Board of Health or Department of Environmental Regulation currently-used application form, and the State Board of Health or Department of Environmental Regulation approval or conditional approval thereof. Standard specifications and drawings may be utilized. Following original submittal and approval, standard drawings and specifications may be omitted from subsequent submissions.
   (C)   The city will process plans and documents prior to receipt of the State Board of Health or Department of Environmental Regulation approval, but will not give final approval until the State Board of Health or Department of Environmental Regulation approval letter has been received by the city and reviewed. Any significant deviation of construction from approved plans shall be made only after the utility receives approval for deviation from the above-designated agencies. Reference is hereby made to other appropriate city regulations for building permits, and conditions of road opening permits and construction.
   (D)   The city shall have the right to inspect the construction of any work being constructed under the provisions of this appendix, and to take any appropriate action allowed under §§ 1 through 26 of this appendix. The city also has the right to inspect construction, but is not obligated to so inspect or make any intermediate or final approvals of any part or the whole of the construction, except with regard to the requirements of the city's building code.
(Ord. 241, passed 11-27-85)