A permitted home-based business shall meet the following criteria.
   (A)   The employees of the business who work at the residential dwelling must also reside in the residential dwelling, except that up to a total of two employees or independent contractors who do not reside at the residential dwelling may work at the business. The business may have additional remote employees that do not work at the residential dwelling.
   (B)   Parking related to the business activities of the home-based business complies with city zoning requirements in the residential zoning category, and the need for parking generated by the business may not be greater in volume than would normally be expected at a similar residence where no business is conducted. The use of vehicles or trailers operated or parked at the business or on a street right-of-way are regulated as provided in §§ 70.27 and 154.18 . Vehicles and trailers used in connection with the business must be parked in legal parking spaces that are not located within the right-of-way, on or over a sidewalk, or on any unimproved surfaces at the residence. The parking or storage of heavy equipment at the business that is visible from the street or neighboring property is regulated as provided in §§ 70.27 and 154.18 , For purposes of this division, the term "HEAVY EQUIPMENT" means commercial, industrial or agricultural vehicles, equipment or machinery, including those defined as "PROHIBITED VEHICLES" in § 154.09 .
   (C)   As viewed from the street, the use of the residential property is consistent with the uses of the residential areas that surround the property. External modifications made to a residential dwelling to accommodate a home-based business must conform to the residential character and architectural aesthetics of the neighborhood. The home-based business may not conduct retail transactions at a structure other than the residential dwelling; however, incidental business uses and activities may be conducted at the residential property.
   (D)   The activities of the home-based business are secondary to the property’s use as a residential dwelling.
   (E)   The business activities comply with any relevant local or state regulations with respect to signage and equipment or processes that create noise, vibration, heat, smoke, dust, glare, fumes or noxious odors. Any local regulations on a business with respect to noise, vibration, heat smoke, dust, glare, fumes or noxious odors may not be more stringent than those that apply to a residence where no business is conducted.
   (F)   All business activities comply with any relevant local, state and federal regulations with respect to the use, storage or disposal of any corrosive, combustible or other hazardous or flammable materials or liquids. Any local regulations on a business with respect to the use, storage or disposal of any corrosive, combustible or other hazardous or flammable materials or liquids may not be more stringent than those that apply to a residence where no business is conducted.
   (G)   The home-based business may be identified by one sign, not exceeding one square foot in area. Any such sign may not be illuminated.
(Ord. 391, passed 9-15-88; Am. Ord. 1647, passed 10-7-21)